REVEALED: United Nations Helped China Persecute and Imprison Minorities, Then Bullied and Harassed the Whistleblower

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has been exposed for giving the names of minority dissidents and human rights supporters to the Chinese communist regime so these individuals could be punished mercilessly.
According to an Epoch Times report, the Chinese targeted Tibetian freedom activists, Uyghur Muslims, and others who were ready to blow the whistle to a UN human rights tribunal in Geneva, Switzerland. Some of them were prevented from giving testimony before the UN as a result, and they had family members kidnapped, tortured and detained.
The individual who has exposed this scandal puts the blame completely at the hands of the UN, calling it far from an isolated incident.
“The UN should not facilitate identification of victims for genocide, and that should not be a controversial statement,” said Emma Reilly to the Epoch Times. “All the UN ever needed to do was stop handing over names to China.”
UN officials demonized the people who exposed their complicity with China, and spent millions of dollars to defend their policy of snitching on activists to the red menace, according to Reilly.
“And none of the managers responsible for this will ever face the slightest consequence,” Reilly said.
Reilly got wind of the scandal when she served as non-governmental organization (NGO) liaison for the Human Rights Council Branch of the OHCHR, a position she obtained in 2013. She claims her boss ordered her to hand over the names of dissidents to the Chinese regime so they could be punished.
“I immediately reported it,” she said, as she was completely shocked at the request that seemingly went against the aims of the human rights organization.
Reilly tried reporting the incident to the chief of branch’s superior, and then the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the UN Ethics Office. The response that she received completely shocked her.
She claims the UN Ethics office told her that “we both know how the UN works,” and they said Reilly “should use the information to bribe the Chief of Office to ensure a promotion.”
“That’s how deep the rot goes,” Reilly said.
“The UN approach to whistleblowers is to ignore all of its internal rules, and all deadlines, and drag out the retaliation as long as possible in the hope the staff member will resign, or be found guilty in a phony investigation,” she said.
When she was all out of options, Reilly reported the violation to officials in the European Union. She received a similar response of apathy from that globalist body as well.
“The chief of branch simply lied to them and pretended this was not happening,” Reilly said.
Reilly named former UN High Commissioner Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, a controversial Islamic prince who has compared President Trump to ISIS, as an individual complicit in the corruption along with his deputy, Kate Gilmore.
“I had a stellar career and was actually highly respected in the UN until the moment I blew the whistle,” Reilly said. “I knew the likely consequences, but could not stand by and do nothing.”
Something was eventually done because of Reilly’s complaints. She was punished for rocking the boat and being unwilling to go along with the UN’s culture of extreme corruption.
“I have been ostracized, deprived of functions, forcibly transferred to non-existent posts without functions, defamed to journalists and NGOs, and more,” she said.
Reilly believes that the practice of naming dissidents to China is still going on at the UN, despite the public scrutiny that the organization has received due to the work of whistleblowers such as herself.
“I still fail to see the logic of why systemic corruption and bowing to Chinese interference is okay,” she said. Reilly has worked with Amnesty International in Hong Kong, making her very aware and sympathetic to the plight of victims of Chinese tyranny.
Reilly fought through the massive internal impediments to finally get a UN court hearing in June 2019. She would be railroaded yet again during those kangaroo court proceedings.
“The UN withheld important evidence, and tried to make the entire case into a debate about my personality, as if it would somehow be acceptable for the UN to engage in a secret practice of facilitating identification of victims for the ongoing genocide in Xinjiang if I, as alleged, once took a document from someone’s hand too quickly,” Reilly said.
“When the UN realized it could be in danger of an embarrassing judgement revealing the cover-up, they removed the judge and assigned one who would effectively give them a second chance to retry the case, by calling witnesses on their behalf and shifting focus away from actively endangering people’s lives and safety to the fact that the people who did it didn’t like me once they found out I reported them,” she continued.
UN human rights official Anders Kompass suffered in similar fashion after he exposed that UN peacekeepers were systematically committing child rape in African countries.
“The Central African Republic affair is a sign that shows how accountability will actually have to be demanded from the UN,” Ahlenius continued. “It won’t come on its own.”
Whistleblowers have only just begun to scratch the surface of the corruption that is occurring within the UN, as the organization demonstrates the evils of globalism and how it empowers the worst the world has to offer.