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Oct 19, 2020

Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke Will Begin Teaching at Texas State University in Spring 2021

By Jose Nino

Former Congressman and failed Senate candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke will start teaching Texas politics at Texas State University during the spring 2021 semester, according to an announcement by the Department of Political Science on October 15, 2020. Although his hire has not been finalized, O’Rourke will join the department to teach an online class.

Political Science Chair Ken Grasso said he talked about potential course material with O’Rourke. The former congressman said he has taken a great interest into Texas politics recently.

“He originally approached people in the administration… and expressed an interest in teaching,” Grasso commented. “I was thrilled. He’s got a unique take on things with his experience as a congressman and as [a] senatorial candidate and even a presidential candidate. So we’re very happy to have him.”

In addition, Grasso claims O’Rourke wants to reach out to young adults and is motivated to teach, above all, during a “crucial time for the state and the country.”

Grasso is of the opinion that the addition of O’Rourke would bring a lot of energy to the political science department.

“I don’t know that so much it’s going to increase enrollments; it’ll certainly increase visibility,” Grasso opined. “That’s always a good thing. We tend to sometimes to get lost in the shadow of other institutions.”

If the Wuhan virus pandemic dies down by spring time, Grasso stated that O’Rourke could potentially do in-person classes. The department aims to limit O’Rourke’s class size in order to promote stronger interactions with students.

Grasso cited O’Rourke’s experience in Congress and the El Paso city council as unique factors that will help students understand Texas politics.

“He’s an actual practitioner out there,” Grasso stated. “You don’t know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins, and none of us have walked in his moccasins.”

For now, O’Rourke has plans of teaching for the spring 2021 semester but Grasso is optimistic that the university can forge a long-lasting relationship with the former congressman. He believes that this could be “the beginning of a long-term relationship.”

The fact that a darling of the Left and ex-politician is set to be quickly integrated into a major university in Texas just shows how consumed by leftism most American universities have become. O’Rourke will do a fantastic job in propagating political correctness, much to the detriment of his students’ learning experience.