Roger Stone Names Rep. Matt Gaetz as Potential Successor to Donald Trump for 2024 Presidential Run
Born-again Christian and vindicated political mastermind Roger Stone is calling for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) to run for president in 2024 if former president Donald Trump does decide to run once more for higher office.
“As far as whether the president is going to run again, he seems to be teasing that he may, if he does he can count on me,” Stone explained to interviewer Steve Malzberg during an interview on Russia Today. “I will be there. But if he does not, four years is a very long time, even in American politics.”
“If he elects not to run, well, then, those of us who support his agenda, the America First agenda, we need to have a back-up candidate,” he added. “We need to have someone who can win a general election on the same platform that Donald Trump won on.”
Stone believes that the right man for the job in that case would be Gaetz, who Stone describes as a “scrapper” and a “brawler.”
The full interview with Stone can be seen here:
Big League Politics has reported extensively on Gaetz’s emergence as a political maverick, being one of the few pro-Trump voices with the courage to oppose the former president if he felt Trump was straying from his “America First” mandate:
“Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is getting criticized for his support of a war powers resolution meant to stop President Trump from attacking Iran without a formal declaration of war from Congress.
Gaetz has caught the ire of pro-Trump partisans, including Fox Business host Lou Dobbs, for joining Democrats to support the measure that was passed by Congress yesterday. He was one of only three Republicans to vote in favor of the resolution.
“Matt Gaetz, a Republican who the president has spoken out in support of, Gaetz himself has been supportive of the president, and then today, to go along in a symbolic B.S. resolution vote against the president?” Dobbs said on the Thursday edition of Lou Dobbs Tonight.
“It’s mind-boggling to me, and certainly it’s gonna damage his credibility among conservative allies and people that have supported him, including us,” said veteran Republican consultant Ed Rollins in response to Dobbs.
Gaetz is defending himself, explaining how there needs to be push-back from Congress against endless wars, and that President Trump ran as the anti-war candidate to get into the Oval Office…
Gaetz has emerged as one of the leading advocates of an “America First” foreign policy that stays out of globalist affairs and focuses on solving problems domestically.”
Gaetz may be a worthy successor to President Trump who can build upon his legacy and keep America great for decades to come.