Romney Wrongly Labels U.S. Government ‘Democracy’ in Defending Opposition Party Media

Former Governor of Massachusetts and failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been a Senator-elect from Utah for less than one week, and the weak “Republican” is already opposing President Donald J. Trump.
“President Trump tweeted late last month, ‘There is great anger in our Country caused in part by inaccurate, and even fraudulent, reporting of the news. The Fake News Media, the true Enemy of the People…’ He was referring to ‘CNN and others in the Fake News business,’ not foreign provocateurs,” Romney wrote in a USA Today op-ed.
“Surely every president has endured stories that he knew were inaccurate and has chaffed at one or more news publications. George Washington was routinely brutalized by a newspaper that had been anonymously funded and founded by his own secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson. But no American president has ever before vilified the American press or one of its professional outlets as an “enemy of the people,” Romney continued.
For Romney to even compare media in the 1700’s to the brutality faced by Trump by the likes of the Democratic Party’s propaganda arm in the mainstream press in 2018 is obviously moronic. But that won’t stop Romney, whom Republicans can expect to pose staunch opposition to Trump in the Senate.
Romney, who would have been president had he not quit campaigning for the final two weeks of the 2012 cycle, also mislabeled the United States as a “Democracy” when any fourth grade civics student knows that it is a Constitutional Republic.
“A lesson evidenced by the Arab Spring and by the pseudo-democracies of Venezuela, Russia, and China is democracy and freedom cannot be permanently established in the absence of the basic institutions of freedom, perhaps most notably a free press,” he said. “If a free press is absent, the door to true democracy is quickly closed. This realization now forms an important part of our national foreign policy.”
It’s going to be a long six years.