ROUNDUP: These Conspiracy Theorist Democrats Refuse to Give Up on the RussiaGate Hoax

Many politicians and leftist media types who peddled an implausible conspiracy theory for more than two years are now unwilling to accept the findings that President Donald J. Trump won the 2016 election without “colluding” with Russia.

Instead, these Democrat RussiaGate hoaxers have begun peddling a new conspiracy theory: that Attorney General Barr was selected for precisely the purpose of throwing water on what they thought would be an explosive Mueller report.

One of those RussiaGate hoaxers is 2020 presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), who refused to accept Attorney General William Barr’s Sunday findings that there was no evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of the Trump campaign.

“Let’s speak truth, that the American public deserves transparency, and accountability and the Mueller report must be made public for a full accounting of what happened,” Harris told a crowd at a campaign rally. “And the Attorney General of the United States must be required to come and testify before Congress instead of just submitting a four page memo of what happened.”

Harris is one of many on the political left still irresponsibly dangling a shred of hope in front of easily-duped leftist rubes, suggesting that Trump is an asset of a hostile foreign power.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) is in the same camp as Harris. Nadler has already called for Barr to testify in front of Congress. He was also hilariously heckled during a press conference on the subject Sunday.

“You guys lose again, Nadler,” the heckler could be heard saying. “Good job, dirt bags.”

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) released a joint statement vowing to continue the fight, and claiming that Barr is biased in favor of Trump.

Chuck and Nancy claim the Attorney General cannot be trusted to interpret the very same report they’ve heralded every day for two years.

“Given Mr. Barr’s public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry, he is not a neutral observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report,” they said.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) also refused to accept Barr’s findings, citing the Media Matters-approved talking point that Barr was “handpicked” by Trump, and thus unreliable.

“Congress voted 420-0 to release the full Mueller report. Not a ‘summary’ from his handpicked Attorney General. AG Barr, make the full report public. Immediately,” she said on Twitter.

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-Maine), and Newsweek columnist Seth Abramson, all Trump haters and collusion truthers, all used the same lingo to push the conspiracy theory that the Attorney General was selected for the purpose of spiking the Mueller report, and that he therefore doesn’t have the ability to interpret the Mueller report.

Former U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova has called RussiaGate a “hoax perpetrated on the American people.”

Despite a Mueller report that has widely been described as a “nothingburger,” RussiaGate hoaxers on the political left insist that their fight to send their newest conspiracy theory into the mainstream is just beginning.

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