Russian President Vladimir Putin Exposes Satanic Agenda to Normalize Pedophilia in the West
Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an address on Tuesday where he exposed the satanic agenda to normalize pedophilia in the West.
During the speech, Putin bemoaned the cultural downslide occurring in the United States and other countries throughout the West where Christianity is mocked and God’s design is inverted for demonic purposes.
“See what they do with their own peoples – the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are declared the norm. The norm of their life, and priests are forced to bless same-sex marriages,” Putin said.
“Adults have the right to live as they want, we have always thought like this in Russia and we always will, no one will invade private life, we are not going to do this. But I want to tell them, look at the Holy Scriptures, the main books of all other world religions, everything is said there, including that the family is the union of a man and a woman,” he added.
Putin would go on to call out the attacks against Christianity coming from Western governments whose societies are imploding.
“The Anglican Church, for example, considers the idea of a gender-neutral God. What can we say? Forgive us, Lord, for they don’t know what they do. Millions of people in the West understand that they are leading to a real spiritual disaster. The elites, directly I must say, go crazy, and it seems that they can no longer be treated. But these are their problems, as I said, and we must protect our children. And we will do this, protect our children from degradation and degeneration,” he said.
His comments can be seen here:
THREAD: Highlights from President Putin’s speech today where he calls out the West’s normalization of pedophilia
– “See what they do with their own peoples – the destruction of the family, cultural and national identity, perversion, mockery of children and pedophilia are…
— LIZ CROKIN (@LizCrokin) February 21, 2023
Big League Politics has reported on the push to normalize pedophilia throughout the West by rebranding pedophiles as “minor-attracted persons:”
“An assistant professor at Old Dominion University (ODU) is defending pedophiles, calling them by their new preferred euphemism of “minor-attracted persons,” and claiming that their behavior can be “moral.”
ODU assistant professor of sociology and criminal justice Allyn Walker wrote his book, A Long Dark Shadow: Minor Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity to promote pedophile acceptance. He explained the rationale behind his thoughts while taking questions in a recent livestream.