Santa Cruz County Cop Killer Was a Committed Anti-Police Ideologue

A California man arrested in the killing of a Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Deputy appears to have been a committed anti-police ideologue swept up into the national paranoia targeting law enforcement.

Steven Carillo, 32, was arrested for the killing of 32-year old Sgt. Damon Gutzwiller over the weekend. Carillo, a sergeant in the Air Force, became the subject of a police investigation when a community member in Ben Lomond, California, called 911 to report his presence in the community in a white van filled with both guns and explosive devices.

Law enforcement followed Carillo to his home, where the Air Force staff sergeant opened fire upon three police officers and detonated improvised explosives. At least two other officers were injured, with one California Highway Patrol Officer being shot in the hand.

Carillo was foiled in his plans to escape, but spoke openly of his motivations in opening fire on the police when he was being arrested. Video footage of his arrest detailed Carillo breaking down his anti-law enforcement manifesto.

“This is what I came here to fight. I’m sick of these goddamn police.” The disturbed man goes on to mention “use of force.”

Research into Carillo’s Facebook profile shows that the man subscribed to a left-libertarian, condemning “racist whites” and frequently ranting of his opposition to what he perceived as police abuses.

The FBI is currently investigating the possibility of Carillo’s involvement in the shooting murder of Federal Protective Services Officer Dave Patrick Underwood in Oakland. Underwood was killed on May 29th.

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