Say His Name: Cannon Hinnant, Here’s How You Can Help White Child Murdered by Black Thug

Cannon Hinnant, a 5-year-old North Carolina boy murdered in cold blood by a black thug over the weekend, is the latest victim of racial violence, as black-on-white attacks sweep the nation.

Cannon’s mother Gwen has set up a GoFundMe account to raise funds for a memorial for their child who is the latest victim of a Black Lives Matter-inspired attack.

“On Sunday, August 9th, this precious angel was playing outside with his siblings when he was murdered. He was merely doing what he would do any other day and that’s playing with his sisters, riding his bike, doing what kids do and all of the innocence that comes with being a child,” Gwen wrote.

“This family has faced unimaginable pain because of this senseless act of violence. We are asking for your donations to assist with anything that may be needed for expenses related to his services. We offer our sincerest appreciation in this extremely difficult time,” she added.

Big League Politics reported on the case yesterday that has shamefully been ignored by most mainstream media sources:

A black man has been charged with murdering a 5-year-old white child in cold blood and leaving his corpse in a North Carolina neighborhood.

WRAL broke the story of how the black suspect allegedly murdered a white child who lived next door to his home in Wilson, N.C. Neighbors claim the black suspect was a family friend who appeared at the child’s home before he allegedly decided to murder the 5-year-old boy, as black-on-white terror sweeps the nation.

Darius N. Sessoms, 25, reportedly ran up to the 5-year-old boy, identified as Cannon Hinnant, who was playing on a bicycle, and shot him in the head in cold blood. Hinnant was transported to the Wilson Medical Center where he was declared dead shortly afterward. Sessoms is now in custody and being charged with murder.

Law enforcement claims the reason why this black man murdered this white child is unclear, but it may have to do with the violent Black Lives Matter (BLM) uprising that is taking place across the country…

If the demographic collapse is not reversed and soon, this country will be the United States of Somalia before long.

There was the case of Emmanuel Aranda, the black man who threw a 5-year-old boy 40 feet off of a balcony at the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minn. last year. Aranda’s Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, refused to comment on the situation. The boy was lucky to survive and has made a miraculous albeit painful recovery.

There was also the case of Oghaleoghene Atuno, the black man who targeted two young white children in Colorado who he ran down while they were playing in their neighborhood.

Perhaps a White Lives Matter movement is in order so that these high-profile cases can no longer be ignored and systemic black-on-white racism can be stopped before more innocent whites are killed.

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