Scientists Believe Signs of ‘Human Intervention’ are in Coronavirus Strain Cultured to Attack Human Cells

An Austrian study conducted by vaccine researcher Nikolai Petrovsky has indicated that SARS-CoV-2, a coronavirus strain that causes COVID-19, contains a “sign of human intervention.”

Petrovsky, who does research for Flinders University in Austria, has come to the conclusion that the virus was optimized to penetrate human cells rather than animal cells. Barring some “remarkable coincidence,” Petrovsky believes this means the virus was engineered to attack humans.

Lifesite News, who broke the story, reported that the scientists “used a version of the novel coronavirus collected in the earliest days of the outbreak and applied computer models to test its capacity to bind to certain cell receptor enzymes, called “ACE2,” that allow the virus to infect human and animal cells to varying degrees of efficacy.”

Scientists discovered that “the novel coronavirus most powerfully binds with human ACE2, and with variously lesser degrees of effectiveness with animal versions of the receptor.” They believe this means SARS-CoV-2 “became specialized for human cell penetration by living previously in human cells, quite possibly in a laboratory.”

The study explains its conclusions by stating that “a virus would be expected to have highest affinity for the receptor in its original host species, e.g. bat, with a lower initial binding affinity for the receptor of any new host, e.g. humans. However, in this case, the affinity of SARS-CoV-2 is higher for humans than for the putative original host species, bats, or for any potential intermediary host species.”

The study notes a “possibility which still cannot be excluded is that SARSCoV-2 was created by a recombination event that occurred inadvertently or consciously in a laboratory handling coronaviruses, with the new virus then accidentally released into the local human population.”

Petrovsky believes the virus was cultured to evolve over time, meaning that this could have been many years in the making.

“Our and other analyses of the genomic sequence of the virus do not reveal any artificial gene inserts that would be the hallmark of a gene jockey, genetic engineers who manipulate or even create viruses by splicing in artificial inserts into their genome.” Petrovsky said.

Big League Politics has noted that even the mainstream experts admit that the age of bioweapon is at hand and individuals should be very concerned with the possibility of these being set off:

Just months before the coronavirus pandemic hit the world, scientists at Cambridge University warned of the reality of race-specific bioweapons.

Cambridge University’s Center for the Study of Existential Risk released their report last summer to tell world governments that they urgently need to prepare for this threat, or otherwise they would potentially deal with its lethal ramifications after it’s already too late.

They called for independent groups to be formed to study technology and how it can be used as a weapon to target populations, and come up with ways to solve them through rules, regulations and other protocols.

“The technology is becoming increasingly sophisticated at ever cheaper prices, democratizing the ability to harm more quickly and lethally,” the authors of the report wrote. “In a particularly bad case, a bio-weapon could be built to target a specific ethnic group based on its genomic profile.”

The coronavirus pandemic may signal that the worst fears of these researchers has come to life. Although globalist authority figures, Chinese communist tyrants, and social media commissars want to mute the concerns, whistleblowers have sounded the alarm about coronavirus strain possibly being a bioweapon.

If Petrovsky mysteriously disappears in the upcoming days, it is probably not a coincidence.

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