Second Amendment Champion Dudley Brown Courageously Defended Gun Rights at United Nations Conference in Geneva Switzerland

On August 20, 2024,  the National Association for Gun Rights defended the Second Amendment at the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty conference in Geneva, Switzerland. 

The Tenth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (CSP10) is a meeting where representatives and ambassadors from several nations and non-governmental organizations worldwide talk about the UN Arms Trade Treaty that went into effect in 2014. 

For years, NAGR has reviewed and followed the ATT since it was signed in 2014. It understands full well the threat it poses to lawful civilian ownership of firearms. 

NAGR President Dudley Brown spoke in front of the Conference on August 20t blasting the treaty declaring, “ Respectfully, while many here call for the universalization of the ATT, we have the opposite approach when considering the application of small arms control within a national framework.”  

“NAGR maintains that citizens cannot be legitimately disarmed, without just and due cause, by any nation state,” declared Brown.

2024 is the 10-year anniversary of the treaty going into effect, where 115 nations have become parties to the treaty. 

“After listening to two long days of gun control and whining, it was our turn to bring your voice to the globalist gun grabbers. We let them know that as far as our members are concerned, U.N. gun control will never be implemented on our soil without a fight,” Brown declared in a post on Twitter/X.

During his talk, Brown dropped many fiery quotes that put the gun controllers in the UN on notice. 

Brown noted that the US is “home  to  more  than  500  million  civilian-owned  firearms.” He specifically asked how the treaty in question would deal with a nation [the United States]  “whose  very  foundation  and  national  identity  is  wrapped  around  armed  defiance.” 

The NAGR president called attention to how the gun control measures the UN pushes are now “obsolete.” He highlighted how the agree of the Internet has rendered gun control practically futile, which he expanded upon below:

“ We  are  in  the  age  of  free  men  with  arms,  men  who  have  decided  that  they  will  have  no  masters,  and  those  men  are  circumventing  your  controls,  including  anything  the  UN  may  implement.  The  state  monopoly  on  the  tools  of  liberty  is  now  over.  Using  plans  downloaded  on  the  Internet,  people  are  printing  firearms  in  their  homes,”

Under Brown’s leadership, NAGR has rapidly emerged as the US’s premier no compromise gun lobby. No matter the circumstance or the challenges they face, NAGR can be counted on to unapologetically defend the right to bear arms against enemies — both foreign or domestic.

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