Senate Republicans Push Budget Giving Hundreds of Millions to Jan. 6 Investigators for More Prosecutions of Trump Supporters

Republicans in the U.S. Senate are pushing for more funding for the corrupt FBI and their overreaching, unconstitutional probe against Jan. 6 election fraud protesters.
According to an NBC News report, the FBI is set to receive $11.33 billion in the upcoming fiscal year out of the gargantuan $1.7 trillion spending bill. U.S. attorneys would have a budget of $2.63 billion, which would be used to bolster prosecutions of Jan. 6 patriots by the thousands.
A summary of the funding states that the FBI will receive “an increase of $569.6 million above the fiscal year 2022 enacted level and $524 million above the President’s budget request, including for efforts to investigate extremist violence and domestic terrorism.”
Of course, Republican leaders are proudly acquiescing to giving more money to federal thugs who will target their core constituents.
“I’ve always been for prosecuting anybody who violated the law on January the 6th,” said Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO), a senior Republican appropriator in the Senate. “And there are like 800 cases already. So I can’t imagine that they don’t need some extra money.”
Big League Politics has reported on the Soviet-style abuses that have arisen from the Jan. 6 probe against patriots who did nothing remotely violent at the infamous U.S. Capitol protest:
“A defense attorney for a Jan. 6 defendant has compared the treatment of his client to Soviet Russia and claimed he has “never seen such a blatant disregard for inmates’ rights.”
“The DC Jail is more reminiscent of Solzhenistyn’s ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich’ than it is of any remotely acceptable penal institution,” the attorney wrote in a filing.