Shameless Shell Releases Advertisement on International Women’s Day For Brand Promotion

The world’s biggest corporations and wealthiest oligarchs have taken up the cause of ‘women’s empowerment’ to advance their own interests, seeking to distract shallow cultural liberals from their impact on society at large with empty virtue signaling.

A new advertisement from global fossil fuel company Shell takes woke capitalism to a whole new level, using the incidence of International Women’s Day on Sunday to promote their image-challenged brand.

The ad features the faces of various women, accompanied by vague platitudes. It seems as if the commercial could be something from an NGO or perhaps the United Nations, but it becomes clear it’s a shameless plug for a corporate agenda when the contraction ‘she’ll’ in merged into ‘Shell.’

Watch here:

Shell is taking the empty gesture a step further, actually “changing the name” of their company to ‘She’ll’ for the event of International Women’s Day. The multi-billion dollar petrochemical company apparently believes that “small gestures can motivate and deliver big gestures.”

Twitter users reacted to the ad with dismay and cynicism, some apparently believing that the ad was so vacuous and shallow that it had to be a parody of woke capitalism. A British comedy group even falsely claimed that they staged the ad campaign as a prank. But it is in fact a real advertisement, commissioned for Shell by corporate ad agency Wunderman Thompson.

Royal Dutch Shell continues to land in the top 10 of greatest annual carbon polluters, every year. A study of 2017 emissions revealed the global British-Dutch company to be the ninth largest polluter in the world.

Perhaps one day the progressive activists of the neoliberal era will realize that the social causes they’ve fought tooth and nail for are orchestrated and organized from the top of western societies by the global elite and massive corporations.

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