Shep Smith Hitting Lady With Car Scandal Re-Surfaces

Shep Smith’s November 2000 arrest in Florida for allegedly hitting a woman with his car on purpose is coming back into the spotlight as the American public grapples with the sex abuse allegation against the liberal Fox News daytime anchor.
Twitter users pointed to the long-forgotten case amid fallout from Big League Politics’ expose on Smith’s past, in which a whistleblower said that Smith sexually attacked him in New York City in 2004.
World Net Daily reported on the conclusion of the car hitting case in July 2001, writing:
“Fox News Channel anchor Shepard Smith will go unpunished for what police say was aggravated assault with a motor vehicle.
On Friday, Nov. 17, during the Florida presidential election fiasco, Smith was arrested for allegedly driving his car into another reporter who was standing in a parking space she attempted to save for a friend. The victim, freelance journalist Maureen Walsh of Tallahassee, was hospitalized and released later the same day with bruises on her knees and legs.
According to Sgt. Edwin Maxwell, Walsh was standing across the street from the state capitol when Smith drove up and “shouted some profanities at her and basically just struck her, striking her at the knees, which threw her up on the car,” he told the St. Petersburg Times.
After a few case-management hearings between attorneys and the court, the charges against Smith were dropped, said the Leon County state attorney’s office.
Smith, who used to be a reporter for 20th Century Television’s “A Current Affair,” was arrested and charged with aggravated battery with a motor vehicle. The felony charge came with a $10,000 bail price tag, which Smith produced so he could return to work. The story, while reported briefly by local publications and wire reports, quickly fell off the media’s radar.
WorldNetDaily has kept tabs on the case exclusively in its weekly “Backroom” editions, available for free to subscribers of WND’s e-mail alerts.
The super-star television personality also went unpunished by his employer, the Fox News Network. Fox spokeswoman Irena Stefan characterized the case earlier this year as a non-story, saying there is “no news to report here.” She also explained that Smith had not been reprimanded by the network “because no charge has been made.'”
World Net Daily passage ends
A petition at states its mission: “Demand Fox News Suspend Shep Smith to Investigate Sexual Assault Claim.”
The petition reads: “According to a new bombshell report from BigLeaguePolitics, Shep Smith has been accused of Sexual Assault by a man. Fox News has been fast to suspend allies of President Trump, such as Judge Jeanine for merely expressing her opinion on Ilhan Omar.In addition in July of 2017, Fox News suspended Charles Payne for having a sexual assault allegation against him. Payne was later found to be innocent and reinstated, but not before an investigation. In order for Fox News to not show hypocrisy and treat Anti-Trump Shep Smith like others, we believe Shep Smith should be immediately suspended to investigate the claim against him.”
The petition’s anti-Smith comments include, from Marilyn J: “Charles Payne was suspended. Judge Jeanine is suspended and she didn’t sexually assault anyone. Fair is fair. Smith should be gone for good. I always turn him off when I see his show come on. He is disgusting just to look at.”
The petition has already racked up 1,647 signatures as of Wednesday press time.
A man told his story to Big League Politics about an encounter with Fox News host Shep Smith in 2004 in New York City. The man describes how he woke up with Smith on top of him with his tongue down his throat, how he tried to push the Fox host off him, and how Smith lunged at him three or four more times while continuing to force the unwanted physical encounter.
In a revelatory interview with Neil McCabe for Big League Politics, John Doe #1, 35, says that Smith took advantage of him. Here is audio from the interview:
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John Doe #1 says he met up with Smith at the now defunct Nation bar in Manhattan, a spot Smith used to frequent to play Golden Tee and hang out when he was not on the Fox airwaves.
“I wake up, and Shepard is on top of me, like, in a towel or a bathrobe. And he’s got his tongue down my throat and his hands all over me. Completely uninvited. I mean, I gave him no signal. There was nothing,” John Doe #1 says in the interview — excerpts of which are presented in audio form above.
“I had also volunteered to sleep in the spare, so it wasn’t — I never invited myself to his bedroom,” John Doe #1 said.
“I pushed him off. I was like, ‘Dude what are you doing?’ And he’s like, ‘what you don’t like it?’ There was like this, kind of like No!, and he kept going, he kept pushing. Like, pushing his hands on all these spots,” John Doe #1 said.
“He was just on top of me,” John Doe #1 said, calling the experience “definitely shocking.” John Doe #1 noted that “he finally stopped, but it took a lot of — it wasn’t just an immediate no, and then everything was like, so sorry.”
John Doe #1 said that Shep Smith lunged at him “three or four more times” after the initial attack.
John Doe #1 noted another moment in the kitchen, while John Doe #1 was getting ready to leave, when Smith grabbed him and put his tongue down his throat after the initial incident.
Fox News has not responded to an inquiry for this report.