Sheriff’s Deputy Refused Service At Kay Jewelers for Carrying Service Weapon While in Uniform

The Iredell County, North Carolina Sheriff’s Office is speaking out after one of their deputies was refused service at a Kay Jewelers because he was wearing carrying his service revolver while in uniform.
In a Facebook post, the Sheriff’s Office explained the situation.
“A uniformed deputy, while on his lunch break, was notified the engagement ring he had purchased for his upcoming wedding proposal, had been sized and was ready for him to pick up at Kay Jewelers located on Turnersburg Highway in Statesville,” the post said. “The deputy took his meal break to pick up the ring, and was met at the door by the store manager, who informed him he was not allowed to wear his service weapon while on their premises.”
At that point, the deputy explained to the proprietor that it would be a gross violation of policy for him to remove his weapon while on duty. But that explanation was not good enough for Kay.
“The manager stated our deputy would need to return to the store at a different time when he was not armed. The deputy left the store, without the ring he had purchased,” the post said.
Despite the sleight of hand, the Sheriff’s Office still managed to keep a positive tone. The post finished:
The reaction our deputy encountered is very difficult for us to comprehend, and we earnestly hope situations such as these are few and are diminishing.
Thank you to the citizens and businesses in our area who whole heartily support the men and women who wear the badge.
Sheriff Campbell has attempted to contact their corporate office numerous times, but as of yet has received no answer.
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