Show Of Hands: Australian Health Officer Finally Admits That Covid Restrictions Should Be Permanent

The medical tyrants, the latest models of puppets from which our globalist overlords exert their influence, have always found new reasons for extending lockdown measures of some kind in order to gain more political power. However, they have always managed not to give the ultimate game away. That is, until now.
According to Summit News, the Health Minister of the Australian state of New South Wales finally admitted that lockdown measures would continue to some degree and form indefinitely as new post-covid normal. The Health Minister, Kerry Chant, had already gained some notoriety when she advised against neighbors starting a conversation if they bump into each other at the supermarket, regardless of their vaccination status. Now, she has given her medical tyrant credentials another stupendous addition by finally admitting that she believes that the pre-covid world is a permanent thing of the past and not something that can ever be returned to.
In a recent outside press conference, Chant expressed her sage judgment that high vaccination rates, instead of giving the population artificial herd immunity, would only succeed in minimizing future restrictions on personal movement and autonomy and that “public health measures” would have to be taken from time to time, as deemed fit by her and the rest of the globalist gentry of course.
Indeed, in addition to arresting and brutalizing dozens of civilians who simply wanted their basic human rights back, the Australian police are now arresting people for the crime of not put a piece of cloth over their faces outside.
In stark contrast to the escalating medical tyranny in the Anglosphere, the supposed bastion of freedom in the world, a recent protest in Italy saw riot-geared police take their helmets off in a show of solidarity with the anti-vaccine mandate protestors. It would seem that Australia is having fewer and fewer things in common with many Western countries and more and more things in common with China.
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