Sick: WaPo Neocon Calls to “Defund Walter Reed” After President Trump Receives Treatment at Military Hospital

Washington Post columnist and neocon Jennifer Rubin called for Congress to defund Walter Reed National Military Medical Center after President Donald Trump received treatment at the facility.
Congress might want to defund Walter Reed. It is a public health hazard.
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 5, 2020
The “public health hazard” Rubin speaks of is one of the primary healthcare centers for injured military service members in the nation. Closing it would leave wounded soldiers and Marines to the uncertainty of the healthcare system in a global pandemic.
Rubin seems the most upset that President Trump announced he would be continuing his recovery from coronavirus at the White House on Monday evening. She wants the President to remain in quarantine until after the election.
A 74 yr old obsese man with covid – who might have lung damage – and a pattern of disregarding medical advice is returned to an environment in which he may infect others. What planet does Conley inhabit? Where is the rest of Walter Reed? The VP? They are remarkable cowards
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 5, 2020
Rubin called for any doctor who signed off on the President’s departure from the military hospital to lose their medical license. Because no one is more prepared to suggest a course of quarantine and isolation care than the career political pundit, even to the point where real doctors who disagree with her preferred course of action should lose their medical licenses.
any MD who publicly endorses this insanity needs to lose his/her license. Period.
— Jennifer 'pro-reality' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) October 5, 2020
Rubin may very well be the worst opinion columnist in America. She recently ceased identifying as a ‘conservative,’ a long overdue admission from the blogger.
The President departed Walter Reed and was transported back to the White House hours after Rubin’s conniption fit.
President @realDonaldTrump Leaving Walter Reed
— The Columbia Bugle ???????? (@ColumbiaBugle) October 5, 2020