‘Sleepy Joe’ Biden On Gas Prices: ‘Can’t Do Much Now, Russia’s Fault!’

Joe Biden shrugged at the notion of the American people suffering through increasingly higher gas prices on Tuesday, hours after he promised to do whatever it takes to lower them.

“Can’t do much right now,” Biden, who is also often called ‘Sleepy Joe’ by the former President of The United States and others, told reporters when asked about record-high gas prices. “Russia is responsible.”

“They’re going to go up,” Biden said to reporters after they asked what he has to say to Americans who are dealing with extraordinarily high transportation costs.

Biden’s seemingly uncaring attitude towards the price of gasoline marked a drastic change in tone from a speech he had made just hours prior.

“I’m going to do everything I can to minimize Putin’s price hike here at home,” he said during a speech at the White House on Tuesday morning.

Biden also reportedly refused to consider scaling back on any of his ‘environmental’ restrictions which are likely contributing to record-high oil costs.

“Loosening environmental regulations or pulling back clean energy investment won’t — let me explain — won’t — will not lower energy prices for families,” he said.

Biden also fantasized about a world with electric cars and what he described as energy-efficient buildings.

“This is the goal we should be racing toward,” he said.

Criticisms of actors of the Biden administration being “tone-deaf” have ramped up in the wake of skyrocketing living costs that arguably affect the lives of middle and working-class Americans more than any other group. Biden’s assistant Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg recently caught heat for harboring such out of touch attitudes during a co-presentation in which they promoted electric vehicles. The event celebrated the anniversary of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act, which passed last March with Democrat support alone.

“Imagine a future: the freight trucks that deliver bread and milk to our grocery store shelves and the buses that take children to school and parents to work. Imagine all the heavy-duty vehicles that keep our supply lines strong and allow our economy to grow. Imagine that they produce zero emissions. Well, you all imagined it!” Kamala Harris gleefully declared.

Kiss your affordable internal combustion engine derived transportation goodbye! Pretty exciting, isn’t it?

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