SMACKDOWN: Watch as Ken Buck Exposes the Impeachable Behavior of Democrat Presidents During Hearing
During today’s impeachment hearing which saw academics brought into Congress from across the country to offer testimony, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) stole the show by exposing the extreme hypocrisy of the Democrats at a meeting held by the House Judiciary Committee.
“The other three witnesses have identified this amorphous standard for impeaching a President. They have said that if a President abuses his power for personal or political gain, it is impeachable content. Do you agree with me?” Buck asked Prof. Johnathan Turley, who was the only right-leaning professor allowed to give testimony during the proceedings.
“Not the way it’s been stated… Well, there’s been so many different standards. One of them was attempting to abuse office. I am not even sure how to recognize that, let alone define it,” Turley responded.
“So let me go with a few examples, and see if you agree with me. Lyndon Johnson directed the Central Intelligence Agency to place a spy in Barry Goldwater’s campaign. That spy got advanced copies of speeches and other strategy and delivered that to the Johnson campaign. Would that be impeachable conduct according to the other panelists?” he asked.
“It sweeps pretty broadly, so I would assume so,” Turley said.
Buck gave additional examples including former President Johnson placing a wiretap on Goldwater’s campaign plane, former President Franklin Roosevelt ordering the Internal Revenue Service to audit his political rivals, former President John F. Kennedy directing his Attorney General to deport a mistress after framing her as an East German spy, former President Kennedy using wiretaps to spy on Congressional staffers, former President Barack Obama making illicit appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, and former President Obama ordering his National Security Advisor and Secretary of State to spread falsehoods about the Benghazi scandal.
All of the examples show the extent of Democratic Party corruption, and how Democrats have abused their executive authority to reward their cronies and punish their enemies.
“Can you name a single President in the history of the United States, save President Harrison who died 32 days after his inauguration, that would have not have met the standard for impeachment from our friends here?” Buck asked Turley.
“… once again, I cannot exclude many of these acts,” Turley responded.
“Isn’t what you and I and many others are afraid of is that the standard that your friends to the right of you… that your friends have decided that the bar is so low that when we have a Democrat president in office and a Republican House and a Republican Senate, we are going to be going through this whole scenario again in a way that puts the country at risk?” Buck asked.
“When your graphics says in your ABC’s that your B is ‘betrayal of national interest,’ I would simply ask: Do you really want that to be your standard?” Turley responded.
“Now isn’t the difference, Professor Turley, that some people live in an ivory tower and some people live in a swamp, and those of us that are in the swamp are doing our very best for the American people, but it’s not pretty,” Buck said.
“Well actually, I live in an ivory tower in a swamp because I’m at [George Washington University], and it’s not so bad,” Turley said to laughter from the audience.
The video of the exchange between Buck and Turley can be seen here:
WATCH: @RepKenBuck EXPOSES The Democrat Hypocrisy On Impeachment (Part One)
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) December 4, 2019
WATCH: @RepKenBuck EXPOSES The Democrat Hypocrisy On Impeachment (Final Part Three)
— Big League Politics (@bigleaguepol) December 4, 2019
While the professor may have been sympathetic to the Republicans arguments, he was an outlier as the other professors were content to lob politically-motivated smears toward President Trump – even stooping to the level of attacking his 13-year-old son.
“Kings could do no wrong because the king’s word was law. Contrary to what President Trump has said, Article Two does not give him the power to do anything he wants. I will give you one example that shows the difference between him and a king, which is, the Constitution says there can be no titles of nobility. While the president can name his son Barron, he can’t make him a baron,” Stanford Law School professor Pamela Karlan said.