Social Media Pioneer Gab Launches ‘Drudge Report’ Alternative, Alleges Drudge Has Been Bought by Big Tech

The free speech social media platform Gab is going to war with Matt Drudge, implying that the world’s leading news aggregator has sold out to the globalist establishment.

Gab has launched Gab Trends to provide a people-powered alternative to the Drudge Report heading into the 2020 presidential election. The fake news will be at an all-time high next year, as the globalist establishment will be waging war to boot President Donald Trump from office.

They have provided strong circumstantial evidence on their Twitter account that Drudge has made a shift in recent months and started to echo globalist propaganda narratives.

Gab pointed out possible ties between Drudge and Google as the motive for this shift, through his new ad provider that also bought his father’s website in 2017.

Drudge has also relentlessly pushed the presidential campaign of South Bend, IN Mayor Pete Buttigieg, the openly homosexual Democratic candidate who has called for a federally-funded grooming operation for the LGBT community to target young children.

Gab referenced the growing backlash that has already occurred among Drudge’s largely conservative readership who have recognized the incomprehensible shift in his tone and content curation style.

They hope to provide an alternative that can out-compete Drudge by giving them news that is ranked in its importance by the people, rather than one individual’s editorial discretion.

The mainstream media is already producing hit pieces against the Gab Trends project, essentially defending the Drudge Report against market competition.

The Daily Dot published this smear against Gab on Wednesday:

Longtime influential news heavyweight, Matt Drudge is facing growing criticism from fellow conservatives and a former ally, Alex Jones, over a growing “anti-Trump” narrative in his headlines and stories on his news aggregator the Drudge Report.

Now, far-right free speech site Gab—home to neo-Nazis and Trumpworld grifters kicked off mainstream social sites—is trying to replace the site with its own competitor Gab Trends…

Despite the owner’s free speech ethos, he took further aim at Drudge over his “anti-Trump” headlines.

Still, Torba openly admits to mimicking Drudge’s format of the Drudge Report…

But with over 14 million page loads over this past month, Drudge has little to worry about with the launch of Gab Trends.

However, Gab notes that the traffic is rapidly booming for their trends’ page shortly after its launch, as patriots search for a news portal that will clarify events without the left-wing bias.

With their nascent news project, Gab continues to be a growing disrupter that is innovating solutions to restrictive policies pushed by the Big Tech monopolies and their subordinates.

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