SOCIALIST: GA Democrat Stacey Abrams Joined Socialist Group For Keynote Speech in Atlanta

A radical leftist candidate for Georgia governor headlined an event for the Democratic Socialists of America, the militant left-wing group who vows to abolish all police. Stacey Abrams was actively working with self-proclaimed socialists, back before she the dreams of the Governor’s mansion (or even the White House) were in sight.

Though socialism has increased in popularity in America since Sen Bernie Sanders (I-VT) ran for president in 2016, Abrams spoke at the event way back in 2011, proving just how far-left Abrams wants to take Georgia.

The group promoted Abrams appearance with the following message:

Metro Atlanta DSA – First 2011 membership meeting – Open to all!
Representative Stacy Abrams to speak on our current fiscal crisis

WHEN — 11 am, Saturday, February 19, 2011
WHERE — AFSC headquarters, 60 Walton St. NW (three blocks from the 5
Points MARTA station)

The group even notes in the comments of the announcement, “Rep. Abrams fights the good fight!”

What exactly is the “good fight” in the eyes of these socialists? It doesn’t take a long look at their Facebook page.

Showcasing Metro Atlanta DSA’s radicalism, they hosted an event in March advocating for the disarmament of the police and the military, along with “white supremacists,” which presumably means white Republicans.

“Solidarity with the students organizing and taking action against gun violence today,” the event description said. “We need a comprehensive, systemic approach towards gun violence that acknowledges the role of the NRA in reinforcing white supremacy and capitalism.”

The group also shared an animated video of two black men bulldozing white men off of a cliff with their car.

“It’s just two dope boyz in a Cadillac running slave owners off the side of stone mountain #tearthemdown,” the accompanying post read.

Apparently, Stacy Abrams would be perfectly fine with the brutal murder of white people. Sounds like a strong gubernatorial candidate for anti-white racists.

Every 15th of the month, the group protests for a $15 minimum wage, which has been tried and has failed in Seattle (just like socialism has failed literally everywhere). Yet Abrams and her socialist friends ignore all empirical data and continue on their quest to make the lot of the ordinary person worse.

The group also fights to abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Abrams made headlines when Big League Politics reported on an ad run by Georgia Gun Owners, detailing her plans to strip Americans of their firearms.

A new political ad by Georgia Gun Owners torched Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams for her radical anti-gun positions.

“Ban, confiscate, destroy,” the ad says. “That’s the Stacey Abrams radical agenda for Georgia gun owners. Stacey Abrams isn’t just a leftist. She’s a Bloomberg-Soros ‘hate America’ leftist.”

The ad then details Abrams’ plan to ban AR-15’s and confiscate carry pistols, and encourages viewers to call Abrams to tell her to “keep her hands off our guns.”

Is this who Georgians want as the top elected official in their state?

More Big League Politics coverage on radical leftist nominee for GA Governor, Stacey Abrams:


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