South Africa Murder Rate Now Highest Since Apartheid
As South Africa descends into turmoil, mandating farmland seizures from white Boer farmers, the country’s murder rate has now risen to its highest point since the end of Apartheid 24 years ago.
“South Africa’s murder rate rose again last year, official statistics showed Tuesday, with over 20,000 killed across the country — about 57 a day — as police admitted they were struggling to keep control,” according to France24.
The exact number of murders between March, 2017 and March, 2018 was 20,336, up from 19,016, a year-over-year increase of 6.9 percent.
“Fifty-seven a day, that’s how South Africans are murdered. It borders close to the war zone while there is a peace, there is no war in South Africa,” Police Minister Bheki Cele told reporters. “South Africans must not take it as a norm that they can be hijacked, robbed and killed every day. We have to pick up the ball and change the situation for the better.”
The murder rate in South Africa has now increased for six consecutive years.
The numbers were revealed after reports that white Boer farmers are being slaughtered wholesale by black insurgents in a quickly-escalating race war.
Big League Politics reported:
The mainstream press melted down and devolved into calling President Donald J. Trump a white supremacist after he Tweeted a factual statement about land being seized from white farmers in South Africa.
“I have asked Secretary of State
@SecPompeo to closely study the South Africa land and farm seizures and expropriations and the large scale killing of farmers. ‘South African Government is now seizing land from white farmers,’” he said on Twitter.The reports of the government theft of land from white farmers in South Africa has been widely reported, and confirmed by South African farmers themselves, many of whom have been brutally murdered by black in the region.
“The country’s constitution is now likely to be amended to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation, following a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema,” according to Daily Mail.
The motion was brought to the parliament by Julius Malema, leader of the radical ANC, a marxist political party.
According to the report, police chiefs in South Africa say they need at least 62,000 more officers in order to regain control.