State Dept Reveals 2,800 of Abedin’s Gov Docs on Weiner’s Laptop
Government watchdog group Judicial Watch revealed on Tuesday that the FBI has given the Department of State 2,800 of Huma Abedin’s work-related documents that were found on her estranged husband Anthony Weiner’s laptop.
Abedin, a longtime Hillary Clinton aide, was the deputy chief of staff while the former First Lady served as Secretary of State. Weiner recently plead guilty to sending obscene material to a minor after his graphic sexts with a 15-year-old girl were made public.
According to the press release from Judicial Watch, Abedin kept a email account that she used repeatedly for government business on Hillary Clinton’s notorious email server(s).
“The revelation was produced in a May 5, 2015, lawsuit Judicial Watch filed against the State Department (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:15-cv-00684)). Judicial Watch sued after the State Department failed to respond to a March 18, 2015, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request seeking: ‘All emails of official State Department business received or sent by former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin from January 1, 2009 through February 1, 2013 using a non-‘’ email address,’” the press release explained.
According to the State Department’s court filing, a review and production of the material obtained on Weiner’s laptop should be completed by December 31, 2017.
“This is a disturbing development. Our experience with Abedin’s emails suggest these Weiner laptop documents will include classified and other sensitive materials,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in a statement. “When will the Justice Department do a serious investigation of Hillary Clinton’s and Huma Abedin’s obvious violations of law?”
The press release also notes that Judicial watch has previously released 20 productions of documents in this case that show examples of mishandling of classified information and instances of pay to play between the Clinton State Department and the Clinton Foundation.
“Also, at least 627 emails were not part of the 55,000 pages of emails that Clinton turned over, and further contradict a statement by Clinton that, ‘as far as she knew,’ all of her government emails had been turned over to department,” the release continues.