Sure is easy to control the populace when the government can freeze their funds

So, the mean ol’ bank has frozen your access to your hard-earned just because some Gum’Ment official has mentioned that you “might be of interest”?
Easy enough to fight-just go hire an attor…oh, wait. You effectively don’t have any money. Well, guess that means that you’ll have to whip out the credit…uh oh. Credit’s been frozen as well.
In a society where the majority are three meals away from hunger, exactly what do you do? Borrow from friends? Most of them are probably in the same boat.
And how are you going to convey any real amount of money? As stated previously, if you get caught with a (Suspicious -(sə-spĭsh′əs). Definition: Anyone’s guess/moving target) amount of cash the mean ol’ policeman can-and might- take it from you.
Imagine-RIGHT NOW-that you have just the cash in your pocket.
No checking or savings, no credit.
How’re you going to pay for bills? Mortgage? Gasoline? Car payment? Dentist visit?
Make no mistake; this level of control is insidious, sneaky, under-the radar, and absolute.
Justin Trudeau escalated the trucker convoy’s peaceful protest in Canada by calling for the seizure of assets.
This type of ‘peaceful protest™”
Not this one.
The tyrannical escalation included the seizure of their children as well.
Even their pets were taken away.
They laid hands on their trucks, hauled folks away in handcuffs, blocked their access to defense, and blockaded food and water a la’ Waco (which is where it was headed, don’t ‘cha know).
This is a pretty extreme action for a government to take.
However, something else happened that set an eerie precedent for what could happen in the near future, even here in the United States.
Media attention was dominated by the $10 million in donations sent to a GoFundMe account set up for the truckers during the chaos.
The trucker’s donations were frozen, and GoFundMe threatened to “redistribute” the money to other charities instead of reimbursing donors.
GoFUndMe “approved charities, of course.
Though GoFundMe did this in a fascist™ manner, this is not the worst outcome of their actions.
They ended up backtracking upon threat of an investigation from Florida, and refunded all donors after originally saying that refunds had to be “applied for”, and within a specific time frame.
And here’s the canary in the coal mine…they did it easily. No more than a whisper from the reigning Gum’Ment was required.
So why would any of us think that the exact same thing can’t happen with our banks, credit unions, investment accounts, Paypal, or any of the other cash/funds based businesses out there, including BitCoin?
The scary part is, he could be right.
Here’s an example-doesn’t matter how much money you have.
Just yesterday, France seized a superyacht owned by a Russian oligarch as part of sanctions targeting Kremlin-linked individuals, the French finance ministry announced Thursday.
Amore Vero, the yacht owned by Igor Sechin, manager of Rosneft, a state-controlled oil company in Russia, the ministry said. According to Superyacht Fan, Amore Vero is worth $120 million.
Read that again: NO ONE has ascertained any form of guilt other than by association. No trial, no due process of any type. Just a “we don’t like the fact that you know this guy” and Blammo! no more boat.
Kamala Harris: ’After We Impeach, We Round Up The Trump Supporters’
“[Trump’s] just bad and we will impeach! There is so much evidence against this guy, the mind boggles.
And once he’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us.“
Now I am pretty sure the above quote is fictitious; I’ve not been able to find any evidence that she actually said anything like this.
But it is not to hard to imagine that it might be going through someone’s mind-PayPal and Shopify have already reportedly started shutting down any account related to Trump, citing “hate crimes”.
You won’t even have to subscribe to any extreme political views like those on Gab, Mike Lindel, or those expressed by nationalists like Nick Fuentes.
They’ve already had their accounts frozen or shut down.
However, if you were to protest or voice an opinion that your government didn’t like (U.S., Canada, etc.), then a future “Trudeau” might lock arms with your bank and freeze your funds for nothing more than having a different viewpoint.
A digital news platform reports that Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland is going after peaceful protestors, threatening to freeze all their accounts for standing up for their rights:
“The names of both individuals and entities as well as crypto wallets have been shared by the RCMP with financial institutions and accounts have been frozen and more accounts will be frozen.”
Assume you had only a different opinion on a policy than the U.S. government (for example, forced medical procedures. Okay, a little extreme as we know that no one would ever try to ram, say, vaccinations down our throats).
Canadians standing up to Trudeau and his Deputy Prime Minister have just seen what they are capable of.
So why can’t Biden do the same in the U.S., no matter what the issue was? Would he call your bank and payment accounts to be frozen if you wanted to voice your objection through peaceful protest?
It really doesn’t matter which side of the aisle your politics fall on, or if you don’t pay much attention to politics. There is still a risk. All you Trump haters out there; do you think that HE would freeze your moola?
So everyone could have this happen.
The wrong place at the wrong time could lead to disaster. Or perhaps you simply have the wrong thoughts. Do you want the government to have the capability to poke around in your account in that case?
Here’s the bad news: they already have it. And they are getting ready to start using it.
To roughly paraphrase Captain Barbados: “You’d best start believin’ in nightmares, Ms. Swan. You’re in one.”