Sweden Reports Fewer Deaths in 2020 Than 2012 — After Rejecting Globalist Consensus on COVID-19 Policy
Swedish television station SVT issued a report earlier this month showing how COVID-19 affected mortality in the nation frequently criticized by globalists for refusing to institute Draconian lockdown policies throughout the pandemic.
“But how many more than usual died during the Corona year of 2020? To find that out we asked the demographer Örjan Hemström from Statistics Sweden who researches morality,” the news clip stated in a translation from Swedish to English.
The reporter asked Hemström “how many more died” in 2020 in comparison to other years. He responded that “approximately 7,000” more people died than in the last five years.
“In the beginning we had fewer dead than in recent years. But at the end of March, we saw a big rise and we had an excess mortality up until June,” Hemström explained.
“But from July until October it was back to normal. I mean as few or fewer dead than in the years prior. And then in November and December we see again that the number of deaths has risen,” he continued.
Hemström analyzed the death rates in Sweden going back to 1900 to put the COVID-19 pandemic in its proper context.
“From 1990 and onwards we see a clear decrease in mortality, fewer dead per capita. And then 2020 we see a spike,” he said – noting that the increase in deaths only put Sweden back to 2012 numbers.
Hemström said that there were “many more deaths in 1918 than 2020,” with regards to the deadly Spanish flu, “especially in proportion to the population, which was millions fewer in 1918.”
The reporters concluded that the data shows “the level of excess mortality is the same as it was a decade ago, and in a longer perspective mankind has suffered worse pandemics than the one we are in now.”
A clip from the report can be seen here:Big League Politics has reported on how the Swedish model defeated the so-called experts who pushed fear porn throughout the media-engineered crisis:
The country of Sweden has bucked the COVID-19 conventional wisdom, refusing to institute a Draconian shutdown, and theirs has become the model response for the world to take while facing a pandemic.
“That Sweden has come down to these levels is very promising,” state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell said to reporters in Stockholm on Tuesday.
“The curves are going down and the curves for the seriously ill are beginning to approach zero,” he added.
Sweden is even giving up on the mask, which has become a symbol of submission to tyranny as COVID-19 is used as an excuse to extinguish human freedom by governments the world over.
“With numbers diminishing very quickly in Sweden, we see no point in wearing a face mask in Sweden, not even on public transport,” Tegnell said.
Tegnell noted that Sweden’s approach is paying off while other countries continue to have spikes in cases despite their nation’s draconian lockdowns.
“The positive trend is reversing, with an increase in the number of cases in Spain, Romania and Belgium, among others,” he said.
Sweden has shown that there is at least one country in the West whose people are strong enough to resist mass hysteria and stand strong against subversive corporate propaganda.