TECHNOCRACY: Biden’s Science Policy is Dictated by Billionaire Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt has been revealed as wielding a significant amount of power over the Biden regime’s science and technology policy at a time in which the bureaucracy is taking unprecedented power over the country with COVID-19 used as the excuse.
A Politico exposé showed that Schmidt funded several employees in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy through his Schmidt Futures charity front. This included current chief of staff, Marc Aidinoff, and Tom Kalil, who was forced to depart from the office after ethics complaints.
Schmidt Futures claims that their work is designed to “focus and mobilize…networks of talent to solve specific problems in science and society.” But a closer examination of their efforts show a glorified influence-peddling operation by an oligarch hoping to seize governmental power to bring about technocracy.
Internal emails from Politico show that the former general counsel for the White House science office, Rachel Wallace, said that the meddling by Schmidt Futures caused “significant” ethical concerns, considering Schmidt’s financial portfolio that is heavily invested in science-related businesses.
Schmidt remains heavily invested in the tech industry despite leaving Google and their parent company Alphabet in 2020. He sits on the boards of many different tech entities, particularly ones that are influential in developing artificial intelligence.
After Wallace blew the whistle about Schmidt’s potentially illicit behavior, she was allegedly harassed by Schmidt’s goons inside of the bureaucracy. Eric Lander, Biden’s former science adviser, reportedly bullied her resulting in a formal complaint. This was substantiated with “credible evidence” presented publicly in a Politico report, resulting in Lander’s eventual resignation.
“I and others on the legal team had been noticing a large number of staff with financial connections to Schmidt Futures and were increasingly concerned about the influence this organization was able to have through these individuals,” said Wallace, who is now being represented by the Government Accountability Project.
The White House is officially denying any wrongdoing in their influence-peddling operation involving Big Tech overlords.
Big League Politics has reported on Schmidt calling for Big Tech to work in lockstep with the government, particularly the military-industrial complex, in order to enforce total control:
“Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said that the Russian/Ukraine conflict shows the need for tech giants to support military-industrial complex propaganda.
Schmidt claimed during his appearance on CNBC’s “Power Lunch” on Monday that tech giants need to march in lockstep to globalist national security priorities from now on.
“The war is going to help solidify the tech companies’ understanding of why national security is important,” Schmidt said.
“If you believed, falsely, that 10 years ago, that war had been eliminated, that conflict was eliminated, we didn’t need militaries and so forth to protect us, then you would say, ‘Let’s not work with the government, let’s not focus on this stuff.’ And I think we’ve unfortunately and horrifically put that argument to bed. We need a strong national security in our country, and the tech industry needs to support it,” he added.
Schmidt called for Google and other tech giants to inundate Russia with propaganda in order to undermine their national sovereignty.
“I think we are collectively better keeping them integrated with information,” Schmidt said, claiming that the control of information by monolithic tech corporations is helping Russian citizens “see what they’re missing out [on].”‘
The tech giants are the most dangerous entities for human freedom the world has ever known. They are shaping public policy so that civil liberties are erased for mankind forevermore. Schmidt is working diligently to manifest the Orwellian Nightmare.