Ted Cruz Calls Out Mitch McConnell for Not Supporting Blake Masters in Arizona Senate Race
Texas Senator Ted Cruz had choice words for Senate Minority Leader earlier this week. He believes that the Kentucky Senator put personal politics above the GOP’s political agenda.
“We had an extraordinary opportunity. We had a generational opportunity. This should have been a fundamental landslide election,” Cruz declared on his podcast “Verdict with Ted Cruz” on November 14, 2022.
Cruz continued: “We should have won the House and the Senate. We should have a 30, 40, 50-vote majority in the House. We should have 53, 54, 55 Republicans in the Senate.”
Despite projections of taking the Senate, Republicans not only lost control of the Senate following defeats in Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, Democrats could actually expand their lead if Raphael Warnock wins his runoff election in Georgia against Herschel Walker.
Cruz specifically took McConnell to task for his inability to get Republicans on the win column in Arizona. Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly ended up defeating Republican candidate Blake Masters by a margin of 51% to 47%.
Cruz criticized McConnell for the failure of the Republicans to win Arizona’s Senate race with GOP candidate Blake Masters.
“Mitch McConnell pulled the money out of Arizona. We could have won Arizona. We nearly won Arizona. And abandoning Blake Masters was indefensible,” Cruz said.
At the end of the day, McConnell has to go. He represents the Business First wing of the GOP that bends over backwards to mega-corporations, the military-industrial complex, and pro-Zionist lobbies.
By contrast, America First nationalists stand for the integrity of the Historic American Nation through the advocacy of immigration restriction, a restrained foreign policy, economic nationalism, and law & order.
For America First to become a reality in the GOP, Mitch McConnell must be relieved of the burden of holding higher office. At this point, it;s really that simple.