Tennessee Valley Authority Firing American Workers, Replacing With Cheaper H1B Labor
One of the major public utilities in the United States is firing hundreds of employees and replacing its IT workforce with contractors affiliated with some of the most egregious abusers of the H1B visa system. The Tennessee Valley Authority, which was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression as a means to provide federally subsidized electricity to the Tennessee Valley, was also intended to create new middle-class jobs in one of the hardest hit regions of the United States.
Today, the TVA is carrying out a firing plan to eliminate hundreds of IT and engineering jobs, announcing their plans to fire American workers and outsource their plans to notorious H1-B visa abusers such as with a track record of replacing American jobs with cheap foreign labor, such as Accenture Federal Services and Capgemini.
More than a hundred positions within TVA were eliminated for outsourcing purposes in the fall. TVA’s leadership is known to be considering a plan to fire even more American workers for cheaper foreign replacements.
Representatives of the Engineering Association, Local 1937 spoke at the rally in protest of the TVA’s outsourcing and cheap labor practices, documenting the corporate forces seeking to displace American workers from the tech industry.
Longtime immigration hawk and Alabama Senate candidate Jeff Sessions also spoke at the rally, calling upon the TVA to reverse its initiative to outsource American jobs to cheap-labor subcontractors.
Sessions called out the TVA for engaging in the same anti-American cheap labor policies practiced throughout the national IT industry, which frequently involve the firing of American workers and their replacement with cheaper foreign workers who are essentially bonded to their employers through the regulations of the H1B visa.
“So what I think the TVA people today are doing, the workers here today, they’re saying this is a danger to the TVA all of us and it highlights a flaw in our immigration system.”
It didn’t escape the pro-American worker advocates protesting TVA’s outsourcing plans that the company was founded in great part to provide public services while creating middle-class jobs in the region, which spans from southwestern Virginia to northern Mississippi.