The NAACP’s Demands are Reasonable Compared to Black Lives Matter Activists

After a protest took place in Downtown Buffalo on May 30, 2020, Reverend Mark Blue, President of the Buffalo branch of the NAACP, declared that it is time for police to change their policies.

This call for police reform came after a Minneapolis police officer suffocated George Floyd on May 25, 2020.

Blue reported that the NAACP has established a list of reforms that law enforcement must implement.

“We would like a ban on the use of knee-holds and chokeholds as an acceptable practice for police officers”, the online petition read.

The petition also called for better de-escalation training. Many advocates of police reform believe that this kind of training can help officers defuse certain confrontations with citizens.

“We also want the state to open up records of officers that have had misconducts and disciplinary history,” Blue declared. The proposal was also recently floated by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.

“We want recertification of credentials…(to be)…denied for police officers if determined their use of deadly force was unwarranted by federal guidelines.”

In the petition, there was also a demand for Citizen’s Review Boards in municipalities as a means of holding police departments accountable and building “public confidence.”

These demands are reasonable and are a stark contrast from the radical Left which wants to abolish the police and render them completely ineffective. Such demands would lead to a complete breakdown of public order in the U.S.

Ideally, these kinds of policies would be free from federal and globalist micromanagement.

No matter how hysterical people get, there are reasonable ways to solve these problems.

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