THEN LEAVE: Robert Redford Complains That He Feels ‘Out Of Place’ In The United States

Actor Robert Redford said that he feels “out of place” in the United States.

Redford, known for long-ago Baby Boomer classics like “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid” and “The Candidate,” published a mini-essay following Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation. The several-paragraph op-ed makes it clear to this reader that Redford would probably be happier if he left the United States, possibly for the quickly deteriorating socialist country of Venezuela.

Here is Redford’s public diary entry:

“Tonight, for the first time I can remember, I feel out of place in the country I was born into and the citizenship I’ve loved my whole life. For weeks I’ve watched with sadness as our civil servants have failed us, turning toward bigotry, mean-spiritedness, and mockery as the now-normal tools of the trade.

“How can we expect the next generation to step up and serve, to be interested in public life, and to aspire to get involved when all we show them is how to spar, attack, and destroy each other?

“It’s hard to blame young people for calling us out, and pointing to our conflicts between the values we declare, and those we stand behind only when it’s convenient to partisanship. Many people are rightly calling it a damn mess.

“But I want to encourage you to dig deep for hope and civility right now—to try to make connections with people you disagree with, to be better than our politicians.

“We don’t have to share the same motivations to want the same outcomes. Let’s focus on each other, and strengthening our communities, and reflecting on what’s happening. Let’s live in justice and respect and let others fight it out now to the bitter ends.

“This is our country too. Every woman, man, and child in it, our American future.

“We’ve got work to do.”

Redford’s letter, via IndieWire, ends

Big League Politics reported in February:

Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has created a lot of controversy since he chose to run for President. Angry liberals have targeted it time and time again, and even destroyed it with a sledgehammer. On Monday it was destroyed again, but this time instead of being fixed, it is being covered up in order to prepare for the Oscars, which is being hosted next month.

The picture taken by Kurtis Lawrence, shows some sort of stage, or storage area blocking the star. The star cannot be clearly seen due to security blocking the area.

According to Lawrence, security guards in the area told him it had been destroyed, and they are not sure when it will be fixed. In the meantime, the star is not able to be seen by anybody, due to construction for the upcoming Oscars award show.

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