TIME Magazine Names Simone Biles ‘Athlete of the Year’ for Quitting at the Olympics

TIME Magazine has honored Simone Biles as their “Athlete of the Year” after she quit during the Olympics over the summer, listing a myriad of lame excuses for why she let her country down.

The article makes many absurd rationales to justify Biles wilting in the limelight, and even quotes washed up former NFL QB turned professional race hustler Colin Kaepernick in a vain attempt to cover for Biles’ disappointing and pathetic display during the Olympics.

“Simone Biles has used her remarkable position as the world’s greatest gymnast ever to inspire a long overdue global conversation on mental health,” Kaepernick told TIME. “Her influence extends far beyond the realm of sports and shows us that another world—a better world—is possible when we speak our truths with integrity and authenticity.”

The article makes the claim that selfishness and surrender are virtuous acts in this day and age, using the mental health decline due to COVID-19 mass hysteria that has been fomented by the media as the excuse to lionize Biles for her Olympic collapse.

“At a time when anxiety and depression rates are skyrocketing—the CDC reports a 50% rise in suicide attempts by teenage girls during the pandemic—and many people are struggling with what they owe themselves vs. what others demand of them, Biles made clear the importance of prioritizing oneself and refusing to succumb to external expectations. With the eyes of the world upon her, she took the extraordinary step of saying, That’s enough. I’m enough,” TIME wrote.

Of course, some low IQ drivel from an affirmative action academic was included in this piece as the article descended into a fever dream of idiocracy-tier stupidity.

“Experts agree that especially for young Black women, Biles’ actions were a signal that it’s acceptable to claim agency over both their minds and their bodies. Since the days of slavery, says LaNail Plummer, a therapist who specializes in providing mental-health services to Black and LGBTQ communities in the D.C. area, the bodies of Black women have been subject to fetishization: for purposes of labor, reproduction or athletic entertainment,” TIME wrote.

“Biles alone won’t change mental-health inequities or force a society that has long paid lip service to the importance of mental health to do more. But she made it that much harder to look away,” the article continued.

Big League Politics has reported on the media previously covering for Biles by using racialized gibberish:

An article appearing on CNN claims that black women are exhausted because they carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and can’t exercise proper “self-care” without getting criticized.

Lisa Respers France, senior writer for CNN Entertainment, titled the piece “All the Black women in us are tired.”

“It’s hard being a Black woman,” she laments.

Quoting her own caption of a recent Instagram post, Respers states that black women “are supposed to save relationships, families, elections, communities, democracy and basically the world all while exhibiting ‘black girl magic,’ but y’all mad when we save ourselves? Welcome to a new day.”

“Black women are literally expected to be super women, from heading households to serving as emotional support for White people who want to be allies, but need our help figuring out how to get there,” Respers adds. “There is an added layer for black women athletes who have to compete against more than just their opponents.”

How exhausting indeed.”

Perhaps Biles’ failure is an example of minority fragility on display and the excuses for her are an example of minority privilege. Biles couldn’t measure up on the stage and live up to her hype. This is a stain on her record, not a reason to celebrate her.

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