Tom Cotton Calls to End Admission of “Hundreds of Thousands” Of Chinese Students to American Universities

Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton laid out a series of policy prescriptions to punish China for its malfeasance in covering up the now-global coronavirus epidemic while speaking with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum on Thursday.

Cotton advocates for an incentive program to encourage American businesses to ‘reshore’ from the communist authoritarian nation from China, restoring American manufacturing capabilities that have been devastated by decades of globalist free trade policies. Japan is already implementing a similar program to bring back industrial assets from the cheap-labor communist country.

China has gotten rich for 30 years off of our manufacturing base… That would be a hammer blow to their economy.”

Cotton is also questioning the wisdom of admitting hundreds of thousands of Chinese students into science and technology programs at American universities. As of 2018 there were 363,000 Chinese students studying at American universities, many of whom are in PhD programs in which they have access to American scientific and research data otherwise unavailable.

We can stop allowing hundreds of thousands of Chinese students to come to our universities, many of which are the children of Chinese Communist Party officials.”

Watch Senator Cotton’s remarks on the need to acknowledge the geopolitical and economic threat posed by China to the United States here:

Senator Josh Hawley has also proposed legislation that would allow victims of the coronavirus epidemic to litigate claims against China in American courts. The Chinese government refused to admit that the coronavirus could transmit from human to human in the early stages of the pandemic, allowing the disease to spread internationally in the crucial early stage when it could’ve been contained.

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