Tom Cotton Labels SPLC a Hate Group, Demands IRS Investigation

One of America’s most profitable faux-hate fundraising schemes may soon be facing additional scrutiny over its non-profit status from the IRS, after Arkansas’ Senator Tom Cotton called for the agency to investigate the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Cotton sent a letter to the commissioner of the IRS on Tuesday calling for an investigation into the SPLC’s corrupt practices involving the defamation of its political opponents and off-shoring of hundreds of millions of dollars-ostensibly raised to litigate against the supposed ‘hate groups’ the SPLC opposes- to avoid financial transparency.
Cotton represents the most high-ranking government official thus far to recognize the SPLC as a hate group itself, a label which the group wildly and indiscriminately applies to individuals and entities that oppose liberalism and the Democratic Party.
The Arkansas Republican also appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday to discuss the case for the recognition of the legal group as a hate group itself. Watch here:
Cotton’s call for a tax investigation into the group could represent the culmination of an increasing wave of criticism directed at the Alabama-based organization for corrupt fundraising practices, in addition to workplace cultures of sexual harassment and racism.
Dees, a supposed ‘anti-racist’ crusader who at one point supported segregationist George Wallace for President, has also been accused of attempting to molest his stepdaughter, according to documents regarding divorce proceedings. Both the SPLC and Dees have declined to deny the allegations in response to Big League Politics’ request for comment.
Its President, Richard Cohen was also forced to resign, suggesting deep-seated institutional corruption within the leadership of the legal firm.
Cotton’s case for an IRS audit of the SPLC’s finance is a home run. Let’s see the light of transparency illuminate just exactly what is hidden within the darkness surrounding this dubious ‘anti-hate’ group.