TRAGIC: Judge Reverses ‘Save James’ Ruling, Forces Father to Finance 8-Year-Old Son’s Gender Transition

A district judge has reversed the ruling regarding 8-year-old James Younger, whose mother was forcing him to transition away from his birth gender against the wishes of his father.
Dallas District Court Judge Mary Brown has ruled in favor of James’ mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, and is granting her full custody. She is also forcing his father, Jeffrey Younger, to pay for gender treatments for his son’s transition to the tune of $5,000 per month.
“She has forced James to live as “Luna” in a school surrounded by teachers and therapists who do not acknowledge that he has said multiple times to multiple people (without Jeff around) that he wants to be a boy and hates being forced to be a girl,” the “Save James” Facebook page announced on Wednesday.
“She has forced Jude into a stressful existence of constant lies and misery as he watches his brother get destroyed before him without any hope for an end to this madness. Anne won this battle without even a hearing,” the page continued.
They are calling for people to spring into action and restart the fervor that caused a social media explosion behind the “Save James” movement months ago.
“The time for passive actions must end TODAY! We call upon all SaveJames supporters to join us to get the attention of our conservative leaders on every social media platform possible. Our voice must be heard for the sake of these brothers. The world must know that we are still fighting tooth and nail to protect them,” the “Save James” page wrote.
Big League Politics has reported about the case that garnered the attention of Texas political figures like Gov. Greg Abbott and Sen. Ted Cruz:
Jeffrey Younger spoke to LifeSiteNews shortly before a gag order went into effect banning him from talking in public about his 7-year-old son, James, who is being transitioned into a girl by his non-biological mother.
In the interview, Mr. Younger revealed that his ex-wife, pediatrician Dr. Ann Georgulas, discussed castrating James in an email exchange. Despite the fact that the evidence was revealed in the court of law, the jury still decided to grant custody to Georgulas despite her Mengelean intentions.
“We put up an email from Ms. Georgulas to me in which she contemplates cutting the penis off my son,” Mr. Younger said, according to PJMedia. “Twenty minutes later, they go into deliberations, and they come back voting against me. I mean, the Texas that I grew up in, the Texas that I live in, if a parent did that, we’re just going to give them to the other parent: we’re not going to tolerate that kind of craziness.”
He hopes that his case will be a “wake-up call” to Christians across the country about the need to stand and fight against an LGBT agenda that is clearly after the souls of the children.
“It tells you, I think, how far our society has changed and how much less Christian we are and the way we think about things now,” Mr. Younger said. “I hope it’s a wake-up call to the churches to awaken from their dogmatic slumber and step back onto the streets of the agora like Paul did in Athens and start taking on these issues head-on.”
He added that there were dueling narratives that played out during the court hearing, but still is baffled as to how a jury could give custody of a child to a parent who wants to mutilate them for life.
“I’m not trying to cross-dress my son and mislead him into thinking that he’s a girl. And I’m not pushing my son toward medical transition. And I haven’t done all that without the consent of the other parent. So I think that if we’re looking at two parents who are imperfect, I think I’m a lot less imperfect than Ms. Georgulas,” Mr. Younger said.
The jury was eventually overruled by Judge Kim Cooks, who granted the parents joint custody after widespread national outrage and special attention from Gov. Greg Abbott.
The “Save James” coalition hopes to get public opinion on their side before the next hearing, which is expected to take place in September.