Traitor Mitch McConnell Refuses to Oppose Vaccine and Mask Mandates, Passes the Buck to ‘Employers and School Boards’

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said on Monday that “employers and school boards” should decide whether or not to implement onerous vaccine and mask mandates that are against the Bill of Rights and Constitution.

McConnell is refusing to come out against mask and vaccine mandates because he cares more about satisfying his corporate globalist donors than protecting the rights of the people.

“What I think as a public official, is those decisions ought to be made by school boards and by employers,” McConnell said.

“They can weigh the evidence, look at the effectiveness, and make those decisions. I think it’s better left to the employers and school boards,” he added.

McConnell also said that he could not fathom why anyone would have problems with Big Pharma’s experimental vaccines that were produced at warp speed with immense liability restrictions.

“Honestly … it never occurred to me that we’d have a challenge getting people to take the vaccine, but that’s where we are,” McConnell said.

His full comments can be seen here:

McConnell has said in the past that he would work with Democrats to lock down the country once again if not enough Americans submitted to the vaccine regime, as Big League Politics reported:

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is ordering Americans to receive the dangerous and experimental COVID-19 vaccine under the threat that he will shut down public life in America with the Democrats if they do not comply.

McConnell is issuing these terror threats to implement the fledgling vaccine regime as Americans begin to resist the mass hysteria pushed about COVID-19 for over a year now.

“These shots need to get in everybody’s arms as rapidly as possible or we´re going to be back in a situation in the fall that we don’t yearn for — that we went through last year,” McConnell said on Tuesday.

McConnell made the comment in response to RINO Utah Gov. Spencer Cox, who stated that conservative voices skeptical to the vaccine…

“It never occurred to me that there would be difficulty getting Americans to get the shot,” he said…

The Republican establishment has sold out the freedom of the American people, and former president Donald Trump is not helping with his continuous shilling for these jabs.”

McConnell has destroyed the Republican Party throughout his generations in the Washington D.C. swamp. He needs to be held culpable for his crimes against the Republic.

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