Trump Administration Preparing Executive Order to Ban Illegal Aliens from U.S. Census
The Trump administration is preparing a new executive order that would prohibit illegal aliens from filling out the U.S. Census in a manner similar to that of citizens and legal residents, according to reports sourced from an anonymous administration official on Friday.
The order, which could be signed as early as Friday this week, will institute a ban on illegal alien census participation. It’s unclear how this ban would penalize or forbid illegal alien census data. Currently, there are no penalties or legal mechanisms to restrict such data from being submitted, allowing free reign for unlawful immigrants to utilize the census.
One of the decennial Census’ primary implications is the allocation of seats in the House of Representatives to states. Currently, Census data that includes the filings of illegal aliens gives unlawful residents of the country a form of de facto representation in Congress, serving to provide seats in Congress to areas of the country highly populated by illegal immigrants. It’s been said that California could potentially lose three seats in the House or more if illegal immigrants were excluded from the census.
The Trump administration has previously sought to implement a census provision that would ask respondents to state whether or not they are citizens. The citizenship question was ultimately tossed as a regulation by the Supreme Court, with nominal conservative John Roberts joining judicial liberals in rejecting the requirement.
Census data that excludes illegal immigrants from participating could also be used to accurately discern the number of unlawful residents of the country, a figure which some have argued could be up to 20 million people.