Trump Administration Warns Anti-White Discrimination May Cost Corporations Their Federal Contracts

The Trump administration is warning multinational corporations that their supposed commitments to diversity could cost them federal contracts if it is determined that their behavior is discriminatory against white people.

The Labor Department under President Donald Trump is using a 55-year-old presidential order that arose during the Civil Rights Movement to put companies like Microsoft and Wells Fargo under the microscope for their actions that keep qualified white American workers out of positions they deserve.

“The letter asked us to prove that the actions we are taking to improve opportunities are not illegal race-based decisions,” said Dev Stahlkopf, Microsoft’s general counsel. “Emphatically, they are not.”

The Labor Department responded that it “appreciates Microsoft’s assurance on its website that it is not engaging in racial preferences or quotas in seeking to reach its affirmative action and outreach goals.”

However, social justice warriors note that the move by the Labor Department under President Trump may have a serious impact on hiring practices with federal contractors employing nearly a quarter of all American workers.

“For tech companies that don’t care about these issues, the pronouncements are a dog whistle that they can carry on discriminating the way they already have,” said Laszlo Bock, who formerly lead Google’s human resources division for over ten years.

“It’s not at all illegal to strive to have a workforce that reflects the makeup of your nation,” Bock claimed, showing his political bias by claiming that the Trump administration applying civil rights law in an equal manner is “turning [the law] around into an instrument of white grievances.”

However, affirmative action and quota systems to force unqualified minorities into positions they have not earned only cheapens the nation and makes American companies less viable. A true meritocracy, in which the most qualified applicant receives the job they have earned, is the only thing that can sustain American greatness.

Big League Politics has reported on how the Trump administration has protected the white working class with moves that no other president would have the courage to take, such as banning the teaching of marxist critical race theory throughout the federal government:

Weeks after banning the use of hateful critical race theory indoctrination sessions among federal agencies, President Donald Trump is expanding the CRT ban to companies that receive lucrative federal government contracts.

The President announced he is expanding the ban to cover private government contractors in a series of Tuesday tweets…

The ban on governmental contractors will doubtlessly instill panic in the CEO’s of powerful Fortune 500 companies, who love to tout their supposed virtue by staging race-based trainings on their often unwilling employees. Many of these companies are largely dependent on payments from the United States government, despite masquerading as a “free enterprise.”

The President’s executive order on the matter refutes the liberal identity-politics doctrine alleging that some people are inherently oppressive or evil on the basis of their race.

The ban’s coverage of contractors that do business with the United States military may be the most significant. Organizations such as Sandia National Laboratories, which is a longstanding federal nuclear research institutions, were busted staging hateful “trainings” in which white male employees were coerced into repeating progressive and BLM-style drivel.

Christopher Rufo, whose reporting may have been essential in bringing hateful CRT trainings to President Trump’s attention, has obtained a copy of the executive order banning its practitioners from receiving government contracts. View it here.

President Trump is fighting back against political correctness and left-wing insanity. If he does not win re-election, the tidal wave of anti-white sentiment will be enabled by Democrat rule.

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