Trump Calls Democratic Councilwoman’s Terminally Ill Brother

President Trump continues making strides to reach across party lines, as he made a phone call to a terminally ill man whose sister is a Democratic councilwoman.
Given only six months to live, Jay Barrett had a big request on his bucket list: a gesture from President Trump. Suffering with cystic fibrosis, Barrett “began palliative care for his cystic fibrosis last week at the home of his sister, West Haven city Councilwoman Bridgette Hoskie (D),” according to The Hill.
Barrett was shocked when he was put in contact with both Eric Trump and HUD official Lynne Patton on Monday, his first day home from the hospital. Barrett said Patton “hit me up on Instagram — it’s pretty incredible.”
Receiving a call from around 7:45, Barrett said that Eric Trump told him he would be receiving a special gift from his father. “He told me they’re pulling for me and praying,” Barrett said about his phone conversation.
According to New Haven Register Patton and Barrett connected on Facebook where she said, “Done. Just spoke to Eric Trump and he has a signed gift from his father especially for Jay. And trust me, Trump doesn’t sign much anymore now that he’s POTUS, so this is very special.”
Barrett was in for the surprise of a lifetime when President Trump called him on Tuesday.
“Mr. President, through thick and thin, you know there’s been a lot of thicks, and there’s been a lot of thins, I support you,” Barrett told the President. Trump told Barrett he was a “champ” and, “You’re my kind of man, Jay. … I’m very proud of you. I’ll talk to you again, Jay, OK? You keep that fight going. We both fight.”
The exchange is all thanks to Barrett’s “100% Democrat” sister Bridgette Hoskie who started a Facebook campaign to get brother an encounter with President Trump.
The social media plea from Hoskie that started as a secret said, “please log onto and send a request to the president asking him to contact my brother. He loves Trump and it’s on his bucket list. He’s currently in Yale’s ICU so this happening would be amazing. Use your info and my brothers in the message.”
The bipartisan campaign quickly went viral and reached its way to the White House resulting in a call from the President and a happy Jay Barrett.