Trump: ‘Petrified Dems Run For The Hills’ Rather Than Take On Radical Left Congresswomen

President Donald Trump observed Tuesday that the Democrat party is completely afraid to confront the radical bigoted statements of the left-wing congresswomen who have seized media attention worldwide.
Trump made a concerted play to confront the congresswomen directly on Twitter, proving that the media and the Democrat party is terrified of criticizing that extremist group.
Louisiana congressman Ralph Abraham offered to purchase plane tickets for Ilhan Omar and her compatriots so they can leave the country. President Trump suggested that the junior Democrats perform humanitarian or political work in other countries in the Third World. Trump refused to back down from his comments, pointing out that the crew of Democrats have said anti-American and anti-Semitic things. Trump gained strong support in the Senate from Steve Daines and Lindsey Graham.
Astute political observer Rush Limbaugh remarked Monday that President Donald Trump is making a good strategic play by making the 2020 media spectacle a battle of personalities between himself and the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the new Democrat party.
Trump even noted in his press conference the low poll numbers of at least one of the progressive caucus members that he called out on Twitter. This comes on the heels of a leak of internal Democrat polling, which shows tragically low numbers for Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar: only 22 percent of white voters with two or fewer years of college think positively of AOC, and 9 percent for Omar.
Rush explains: “At the very least, you know what you can say is that Donald Trump is helping define the Democrat Party, and in that sense, what Trump is doing here… Whether this is an intended consequence or not, the fact is that Trump is pushing the Democrats and the Drive-Bys into staunchly defending the most radical haters this country has at the moment. These people — and it’s not just these four women in the Squad. It’s the entire Democrat Party. Trump is forcing them to come out and defend. Make no mistake about the fact the American people are fully aware of what’s going on on the Democrat side regarding their anti-Americanism…
I think there are more people aware of this than anybody in the Drive-By Media would ever contemplate. I think for as long as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been on the scene (and even before that), I think there are so many millions of Americans who are fed up with the anti-American diatribe that has become readily identified with the Democrat Party policy. It is anti-American, it’s anti-American founding, it’s anti-American exceptionalism, it’s anti-American greatness…
They believe this stuff. So here comes Megan Rapinoe or Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or any of these other people, and the media loves them, and they treat them with kid gloves, and they make ’em big time stars and these people end up believing their own press. And they are not aware of how much animus they are creating for themselves because they live in this alternative reality where people unlike them are a relative few and a minority and don’t deserve to be dealt with, counted, talked to. They despise us; they hate us; they think they’re the majority…
And yet these people, because of the fawning media coverage they get, end up having this anti-American stuff applauded, validated. They end up thinking they’re big stars. They end up thinking they’re in the majority and when they fade away ’cause nobody has ever cared in the first place, they’re left dumbstruck. They do not represent the majority of thinking. The fact of the matter is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her squad members, they are communists. They hate Israel, they do not like the United States, and everybody’s paying attention to them knows this…