TWISTED: Australian Riot Police Arrest, Publicly Shame “COVID Fugitive”

Heavily-armored police in Australia arrested a man they’re accusing of violations of the country’s draconian COVID-19 laws on Friday, subjecting the man to a public shaming for supposedly not properly quarantining himself.

The so-called “COVID fugitive,” Anthony Karam, denied the authorities’ allegations, insisting that he’s been isolating himself since testing positive for coronavirus several days ago. A major news channel played a video of Karam riding an elevator on the evening news recently, pointing to the man as a health terrorist of sorts for what they claim is insufficient obedience to COVID mandates.

Karam has been arrested without bail. His detention is legally justified on the basis of novel “health” laws implemented by the Australian regime on an emergency basis.

Australia has descended into naked tyranny in the wake of a renewed COVID-19 outbreak, with authorities restricting the people’s rights to exit their homes for more than one hour a day. The draconian measures have thus far failed to actually deter the spread of coronavirus. Australian authorities have implemented vaccine passports, a “visitor pass” required to meet with family or friends, and forcible closure of public life. Some freedom fighters have risen in protest of the regime, only to be met with an undemocratic assault from police forces seeking to break up anti-lockdown protests. Police have even gone so far as to break up anti-lockdown protests staged by individuals in the country, forcibly shuttering any dissent even as support for the Australian government plummets among the people. 

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