Twitter Temporarily Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene for, You Guessed It, “Election Misinformation”

Twitter has temporarily suspended Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene for numerous violations of their “civic integrity policy,” according to a spokesman who confirmed the news to CNN.
Twitter also cited violations of their civic integrity policy to justify banning President Donald Trump earlier this month.
Unfortunately, to borrow a phrase from the COVID-19 pandemic, this will be the new normal. No longer is Twitter content with simply labeling tweets they don’t like with disclaimers. The Big Tech giant’s ban of the president has opened a Pandora’s box, and you don’t even need to be conservative to recognize this.
Big League Politics has covered Rep. Greene closely since her election to the US House. She effectively ran unopposed, defeating a Democratic challenger named Kevin Van Ausdal who withdrew his candidacy approximately a month-and-a-half before the election.
Most recently Greene announced on Wednesday that she planned to introduce articles of impeachment against Joe Biden on his first full day in the Oval Office.
“On January 21st, I’m filing Articles of Impeachment on President-elect @JoeBiden,” she tweeted. “75 million Americans are fed up with inaction. It’s time to take a stand. I’m proud to be the voice of Republican voters who have been ignored.”
The Democratic Party still controls the House of Representatives, so impeachment articles against Biden will go nowhere. However, as Big League Politics‘ Richard Moorhead has said, “the Democratic Party has been unable to resist turning the presidential impeachment process into a wholly partisan, reactionary affair, and may reap the whirlwinds of their decision if Republicans willing to hold the establishment politician accountable gain majorities in the House and the Senate.“