Two Senior FDA Officials Leave Agency in Protest of Biden’s Authoritarian COVID-19 Vaccine Regime

Two senior officials with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are leaving the agency over their concerns with the Biden administration’s authoritarian COVID-19 vaccine regime.

Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and the office’s deputy director, Phil Krause will be leaving the agency because they feel the Biden regime is pushing COVID-19 booster shots without adequate oversight.

The Biden regime is instead working through the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and putting the FDA on the backburner because they find these agencies more amenable to their vaccine regime.

“FDA is losing two giants who helped bring us many safe and effective vaccines over decades of public service,” FDA’s former acting chief scientist Luciana Borio said in a Twitter post.

“These two are the leaders for Biologic (vaccine) review in the US. They have a great team, but these two are the true leaders of CBER. A huge global loss if they both leave,” former Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) director Rick Bright wrote after hearing the news. 

“Dr. Gruber is much more than the Director. She is a global leader. Visionary mastermind behind global clinical regulatory science for flu, Ebola, Mers, Zika, Sars-cov-2, many others,” he added.

Big League Politics has reported on how the vaccine regime is faltering, resulting in fanatical government scientists and other control freaks doubling down on the terror propaganda and demanding worse restrictions:

As the experimental COVID-19 vaccine is revealed as far from full proof in stopping the spread of the virus, public health “experts” are saying that it is once again time to return to forced masking.

The Washington Post published a profile on the bureaucrats that are once again pushing to get masks back on the peasants.

“Universal masking indoors is a way of taking care of each other while we get more people vaccinated,” said Barbara Ferrer, who works as director of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, which moved a week ago to reimplement their indoor mask mandate. 

“It really doesn’t disrupt any business practices. It allows us to remain fully open – while we acknowledge that the delta variant [is] spreading like wildfire here,” she added.

“We need to prepare the public for what could be, again, a return to some of these mitigation measures,” former Trump-appointed surgeon general Jerome Adams said during an appearance on the Indianapolis TV station WISH-TV on Sunday. He added that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) should  “hit the reset button” and demand mask mandates.

“The best protection everybody has is masks,” said Kimberly Prather, an academic with the University of California, San Diego, who wholeheartedly supports a new indoor mask mandate.

While delta numbers are going up – and if I’m in a crowded outdoor location with lots of people yelling – I would be wearing a mask,” she added.”

These FDA officials deserve credit for refusing to go along with this insanity any longer.

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