U.S. Military Hosts ‘Kid-Friendly’ Drag Queen Show at Summer Festival on U.S. Army-Air Force base

The U.S. military hosted a “kid-friendly” drag queen show at a summer festival on a joint U.S. Army-Air Force base near Hampton, Virginia last month.
They did so as part of their first ever “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summer Festival” at the Joint Base Langley–Eustis. One performance was done by Joshua Kelley, whose alias is “Harpy Daniels – The Navy Drag Queen” to accompany “bouncy houses and face painting for the children.”
The festival, which was held on July 30, was allegedly conducted “to provide education, increase collaboration through outreach efforts, and recognize the diverse composition of JBLE.”
The base chose to omit pictures of drag queens twerking in front of children from their social media posts about the event after the fact.
“Today, the Breaking Barriers Alliance of Joint Base Langley-Eustis put on the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Summer Festival! The festival was a time for members of the community to learn about and celebrate the many people that make #TeamJBLE the rich, diverse and strong team that it is,” the base posted. “Thanks to all the communities, performers and folks that came out to learn, have fun, and make JBLE the best place to live and work!”
The Daily Wire reached out to the base and they released a statement justifying the child abuse with insipid woke platitudes.
“The goal is to provide education and awareness, increase collaboration through outreach, and recognize the diverse composition of JBLE. The theme of the event is ‘Celebrating Differences’ and will feature a number of different performers, guest speakers, and information booths, including Tuskegee Airman, Asian Indians of Hampton, a hula routine, a drag performance, and many others,” the statement read.
“All featured guests will be participating or performing as volunteers. The installation assisted by providing funding for logistical requirements, such as a tent, stage, tables and chairs, etc., as specifically authorized by DoD regulations and policies. JBLE leadership is committed to celebrating differences and cultivating an inclusive environment where every Airman, Soldier and civilian feels valued,” it continued.
One employee, speaking to the Daily Wire under the conditions of anonymity, said that the drag performance was “burlesque, it’s hyper-sexualized, it’s not something appropriate for children.”
Nowadays, the military does not work to protect legitimate U.S. national security objectives. They invade and occupy countries to boost the profits of defense contractors and wave the tranny flag on every country throughout the globe. The U.S. Empire deserves to be in the ashbin of history for the decadence and depravity allowed by its citizenry.