U.S. Troop Withdrawal Begins from Syria Despite Globalist War Mongers in Trump Admin
Early Friday morning, Associated Press reported that U.S. troops have begun withdrawing from Syria, despite what globalist war monger and National Security Advisor John Bolton told the press on Monday.
“The [U.S. defense] official said the movement of equipment is part of what the military calls the start of a “deliberate withdrawal” from Syria, where some 2,000 troops have been working with a coalition for Syrian Kurdish and Arab fighters to defeat the remnants of the Islamic State group,” according to the report.
This comes as a positive surprise for the Trump base that was largely disappointed when it appeared that Bolton was putting the brakes on Trump’s troop withdrawal, which the President announced on Dec. 18.
Bolton said earlier this week that American forces would not begin pulling out of Syria until ISIS was completely defeated and Turkey pledged to defend America’s Kurdish YPG allies in the region. Anyone who has been following the endless was in the Middle East understands that this contingency is ridiculous. There will always be Islamic extremists in the war-torn Middle East. We are not one military offensive away from totally eradicating all forms of extremism, and never will be.
“The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details that have not yet been publicly announced, provided no numbers, but said the equipment withdrawal is under way and that an unspecified number of additional U.S. troops have been brought into Syria to assist with the withdrawal process, including troops to provide additional security,” the report said.
It is unclear if Trump simply ignored Bolton, or if Bolton and Trump came to an understanding that Trump was in charge, and the decision had been made.
Either way, it looks like our troops will be coming home soon, much to the relief of middle America whose sons and daughters have spent far too much time away from home.
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