UNHINGED: Leftists On “The View” Savagely Attack Former Co-Host Over Medical Condition
Jedediah Bila, who is an American television host, author, and even a former co-host of “The View” joined a recent show to discuss her new book. The conversation very quickly turned south, with Joy Behar promptly attacking Bila over her personal decision to not take the COVID-19 shot. Behar also made a point to say that the author was calling in because she was banned from the location of filming, as is everybody who doesn’t have a COVID-19 passport to provide for building entry.
“Okay, Jed. Let’s address the elephant in the room,” Behar began.
“You were supposed to join us in the studio weeks ago. But you couldn’t because ABC has a very strict policy. You can’t get into this building unless you’re fully vaccinated.”
Bila explained that her “story is a little bit unique,” and that she has a specialist-approved “medical exemption” that makes taking the experimental injection more of a risk. She also stated that she has “sky-high, multi-tier, multi-faceted natural immunity” and that the “vaccine poses a greater risk than benefit” to her.
“I’m also not a risk to any of you,” she said as she was pointing out that many who take the shot get and transmit the infection regardless. “My point about all of this is I am not anti-vax. What I really want is for people to make these decisions for themselves.”
Sunny Hostin, another host of the show, piled on to the attacks, shaming Bila for making her own personal choice because she believed it was better for her health.
“You know what, Jed? 762,000 people have died from COVID, including [my] in-laws.”
The view co-host continued, shaming a person she supposedly calls her friend for exercising her American freedoms.
“We have been friends a long time… but I don’t understand why you would prioritize your personal freedom over the health and safety of others.
Hostin then added: “I don’t think we should allow this kind of misinformation on our website.”
Bila remained calm and rational throughout the discussion, and attempt to various lies and half-truths spoken by the show’s hosts respond several times. While the author did manage to get some words out, she was largely yelled over towards the end.
“My point about all of this is I am not anti-vax,” she commented towards the end. “I want every one of you to sit with your family members to sit with your trusted doctors and say, ‘What is the best decision for me?’”
“Oh my goodness. That’s not so. You have been at Fox TV too long,” Behar shrieked.
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