University of California-San Diego Lumps “Blue Lives Matter” Supporters in With “White Terrorists”

Ben Zeisloft of Campus Reform recently reported on University of California-San Diego’s decision to roll out a “White allyship” program “with an intentional focus on the work white people need to do.”
As a response to “the campus community’s desire to strengthen white allyship in particular”, the Office for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion unveiled its “White Allyship, Action & Accountability Initiative.”
According to the program’s website, the program’s goal is “to holistically and comprehensively promote anti-racism by strengthening white ally engagement in efforts to mitigate bias and to deepen white ally involvement in educating on anti-racism.” The program is designed to “deepen white ally capacity to identify, engage, and actively promote anti-racism and a diverse, equitable, and inclusive campus.”
Although people of all races can participate in the White Allyship, Action & Accountability Initiative it is mainly concentrated “on the work white people need to do, both individually and structurally to create and sustain change at UC San Diego.” This indicates that the program is designed to shame whites and brainwash with them leftist tropes about race relations.
In the program’s first module, participants are recommended to read “Me and White Supremacy: A Guided Journal,” which calls on “people who hold white privilege to examine their (often unconscious) racist thoughts and behaviors through a unique, 28-day reflection process complete with journaling prompts.” The creators of the program maintain that reading the book will allow for individuals to “examine white supremacy in their own lives.”
In the module that follows, participants are given a “checklist for white allies against racism.” Some of the items on the checklist include “I use the language and political worldview of anti-racism,” “I recognize my own limitations as a white person doing anti-racist work,” and “I use my privilege to communicate information from the dominant group to people of color.”
One of the articles suggested by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion office is titled “The 7 Circles of Whiteness,” which lists off seven types of white people ranked by their levels of racial awareness.
Zeisloft outlined one shocking aspect about these circles:
The first circle — “White Terrorist” — includes people who are “most likely to be seen with a gun in a public location,” believe in “MAGA” and “Blue Lives Matter,” and use “white evangelical rhetoric” to “justify racism.” Individuals who exhibit “rigid patriotism” are also included on this list, alongside the KKK and the “alt-right.”
It can’t be stressed enough. Universities are hubs of culturally radical ideas and serve to indoctrinate the next generation of the ruling class and ruling class aspirants. For that reason, these institutions, especially the publicly-funded institutions, should be defunded. What’s more, the Right should opt out of these institutions and build competing education networks that actually provide training and education to America’s youth.
At this point, putting young people through these institutions is tantamount to abuse.