University of Miami Students Call for Pro-Second Amendment Sign to be Taken Down

The Miami Hurricane reported on October 30, 2020 about an incident where University of Miami College Republicans were instructed by a university official to remove a sign that read “I’m pro choice. Pick your gun,” as they tabled outside on October 29.

The sign depicted several kinds of firearms, which included an AR-15. This image triggered a number of students at the university.

“I do feel like there is a time and a place,” declared UM senior John Cuddihy. “That’s where I think maybe it was too much on a college campus…I think there’s a distinction between glorifying assault rifles and just being pro-gun in general.”

UMCR President Andrew Hefley recounted that while the Republican group was tabling, they were informed by the Director of the Student Center Complex in a call that their sign represented a violation of university policy.

“I’m very confused because it’s just pictures promoting the Second Amendment,” he said.

Other students were of the opinion that UMCR was intentionally stoking political tension.

“They are purposefully making the campus an uncomfortable place to exist,” UM student Nathaly Gonzalez said.

The use of political ads on campus has been a topic of contention among members of UM’s student Senate. Some Senate members want stronger regulations on ads in order to protect the sensitivities of certain members of the student body.

“A sign that might perpetuate fear of racism, certain inherent feelings that they might feel unsafe, minority groups, people who identify a different way… I think that’s when the discussion comes in of whether a sign should be put up in the first place,” commented Eaton Residential Senator Ishaan Chatterjee.

UM President Julio Frenk recently sent out an email statement in response to a Trump campaign sign being vandalized. He reaffirmed his support for students to place political ads on campus.

The email was titled ”A Message on Mutual Respect” and in it Frenk declared that UMCR was peacefully exercising their free speech rights and criticized the act of vandalism.

“This is an unacceptable act of disrespect, and those found responsible will be held accountable,” Frenk wrote.

Universities are getting out hand. As bastions of leftist thought, both administrators and their radicalized student bodies look to stymie any thought that challenges leftist orthodoxy.

At the pace the U.S. is going, advocating for the Second Amendment on university campuses will soon become prohibited by school authorities on the grounds of being “insensitive.”



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