US Army Gets University of Arkansas at Little Rock To Censor Speech Online
The United States Army recently rolled out a “combat” partnership — that is expected to go through 2024 — with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock to “combat” online disinformation and take on so-called “cognitive threats.”
The overarching goal of this program is “to detect and combat bad actors online who are trying to manipulate how and what populations think.”
According to Didi Rankovic of Reclaim the Net, this new program is supported with a grant worth roughly $5 million.
The Collaboration for Social Media and Online Behavioral Studies (COSMOS) Research Center will be leading this initiative, which is part of a broader trend of NGOs and the government quite literally hiring universities to do their social media censorship dirty work.
There’s a clear trend in America of universities becoming vehicles for advancing tyranny. This is undeniable. But what’s even creepier is the accelerated push towards censorship and forging of unholy alliances to destroy free speech online.
The ruling class is clearly scared of free speech online and it’s doing everything possible to censor these spaces. Lawmakers must use prudential state power to rupture these unholy alliances and make sure that universities stick to their original mission — educating and training the next generation of professionals.