US College Board Bans the Public From Accessing AP Test Scores by Race
The College Board, a non-profit that develops standardized tests used in schools across the country, is stopping the public from accessing the results of Advance Placement tests on a racial basis.
Jaslee Carayol, director of communications at the College Board, noted that the information would still be available for bureaucrats so they can enact affirmative action based on its results. But the pathetic peasants will be denied the information, because this is how multiculturalism works.
“AP provides demographic data to schools, districts, and state departments of education. Schools and districts have already received their AP data for the 2022 AP Exam Administration and, later this month, AP data will be delivered to state departments of education. Researchers who would like access to AP data can make requests via online form,” she said.
Jon Boeckenstedt, vice provost for enrollment management at Oregon State University, noted the Orwellian rationale for this move in a Twitter post:
In the most 1984-esque example of College Board-speak I've seen in a while, withholding data is now called "streamlined reporting."
— Jon | Joe | Jim | John | Joel Boeckenstedt ☮️ (@JonBoeckenstedt) July 8, 2022
As America diversifies, there will need to be more authoritarian measures put into place to try and hide the fact that society is degrading and plummeting into oblivion.
Big League Politics has reported on how the city of Baltimore is allowing children to pass despite their failing test scores as institutional power conspires to bring idiocracy to reality:
“A new report has shown that the city of Baltimore, Md. changed the grades of 12,000 failing students in order to graduate them despite the students not meeting the requirements to move forward.
The Maryland Inspector General for Education Richard Henry found that a “culture of fear and a veil of secrecy” prevented Baltimore school officials from “speaking freely about misconduct” in his report released on June 8.
Baltimore City Public Schools (BCPS) had previously denied any “widespread, systemic abuse or improper activity” when the grade inflation was exposed by local news. However, Henry’s report found that mass grade changes occurred by BCPS between 2016-2020. This is only for high school, as BCPS’ data of grade 2-8 students is kept hidden.
“If a student receives an F as a marking period grade, the numerical equivalent of that grade cannot be lower than a 50 when used to calculate the student’s final grade. If a student failed a marking period by earning a 50-59 that score should remain unchanged when calculating the student’s final grade,” the report states.
“This requirement is meant to allow students to improve their grade through diligent work in subsequent marking periods to pass the course,” the report adds. The report found that at least 12,542 grades were changed from failing to passing over a four-year span.”
This is more proof that diversity is not our strength. The diversity plague is weakening America and making the country less free by design.