Vax-Pushing Technocrat Bill Gates Gives $319 Million to Buy Influence with Media Outlets

New documents revealed by Mint Press News show that the vaccine-pushing billionaire oligarch Bill Gates has given over $300 million to influence various fake news outlets.

CNN, NBC, NPR, PBS and The Atlantic are some of the outlets that have received substantial money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. NPR has received grant money totaling over $24 million while The Guardian has tallied over $12 million as the top recipients of these payoffs.

Other payoffs include Cascade Public Media receiving over $10 million, Univision receiving nearly $6 million, NBCUniversal Media receiving over $4 million, the BBC and CNN receiving over $3.5 million each, and the Texas Tribune and the Financial Times receiving over $2 million each.

Investigative journalist Tim Schwab has explained how stories that Gates does not want published are suppressed because of these funding considerations:

Big League Politics has reported on how Gates is now predicting smallpox attacks will destroy the world after conveniently foreshadowing the COVID-19 pandemic before it happened:

Billionaire globalist and admirer of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Gates, recently warned of a “bioterrorist smallpox pandemic” that will likely occur if the world does not submit to the technocratic mandates of the global elite quickly enough.

“I’m hoping in five years, I can write a book called, ‘We are ready for the next pandemic,’ but it’ll take tens of billions in R&D – the US and the UK will be part of that,” Gates said during an appearance on Policy Exchange with UK Chairman of the Health and Social Care Select Committee, Jeremy Hunt. 

“It’ll take probably about a billion a year for a pandemic Task Force at the WHO level, which is doing the surveillance and actually doing what I call ‘germ games’ where you practice,” he added.

Gates’ so-called “germ games” are eerily reminiscent of the gain-of-function mad science funded by the American Mengele, Dr. Anthony Fauci. Gates’ comments grew even darker from there.

“You say, OK, what if a bioterrorist brought smallpox to 10 airports? You know, how would the world respond to that? There’s naturally-caused epidemics and bioterrorism-caused epidemics that could even be way worse than what we experienced today,” he said.”

Gates is a real-life supervillain and exerts his influence in ways that are unbeknownst to the broader public. His globalist machinations must be stopped or civilization will suffer immeasurable horrors.

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