Venezuela and Iran Enter a 20-Year Agreement
Venezuela and Iran have strengthened their relations this weekend after signing a 20-year cooperation agreement.
According to the Associated Press, the agreement was signed on June 11, 2022 the day after Maduro praised the Islamic Republic for delivering fuel to the embattled South American nation at a time when it’s bearing the brunt of American sanctions.
Maduro declared, “Tehran’s delivery of oil to Caracas was a great help to the Venezuelan people.”
This past weekend, Maduro paid a visit to Iran during a time when geopolitical tensions in the Middle East are rising. At the moment, it appears that the Barack Obama-era nuclear deal that President Joe Biden promised to return to is now on the ropes, as the two parties can not come to an agreement.
The agreement that Raisi and Maduro signed off on has strengthened both countries’ ties on matters of economics, politics, and military.
Maduro proclaimed that Iran and Venezuela are united by “a common vision.”
The Venezuelan leader added, “Caracas and Tehran have shaped the strategy of [a] resistance economy and are working to expand it.”
According to Samuel Mangold-Lenett of The Blaze, Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, said that Iran’s and Venezuela’s shared struggle against the US shows the value of resistance against US hegemony. Mangold-Lenett noted that “Khamenei thanked Maduro and the people of Venezuela for resisting American pressure.”
“Today, the United States views Venezuela differently,” the Iranian supreme leader declared.
Iran and Venezuela share a common foe in the US, who has pursued punitive sanctions campaigns against these two nations. In the former country’s case, the hostilities are long-standing, dating back to the Islamic Revolution of 1979.
Since then, the US has routinely applied sanctions and other forms of pressure to topple the Iranian regime. Such behavior has compelled Iran to forge relationships with countries such as China, Russia, and Venezuela. Iranian relations with Venezuela picked up steam during the regime of the late Hugo Chavez (1999-2013), whose government took strong stances against the US’s unilateral foreign policy.
Iranian-Venezuelan relations have only strengthened since Chavez’s death and they now form part of a broader “Legion of Doom” coalition comprised of Belarus, China, North Korea, Russia, and Syria that are resisting the US’s hegemonic aspirations abroad.
This new balancing coalition against the US will be one of the fixtures of the era of multipolarity unfolding before our eyes.
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